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Routine Maintenance ??

Aug 20, 2019
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Another question from a new owner here.
I am one of those that try to learn as much about the aircraft I am flying and get any tips I can get from people that are experienced at what I am flying at the time.
I have been reading as much as I have time for on here and other forums and watching video's. I did the same for my Mantis Q and other drones I own, I find it really helps as I tend to make a few less mistakes.
Anyway, I was looking for something about what type of routine maintenance the Q500 4K either needs or is a good idea to do and have found very little on that subject so I may be over looking it or there may not be much to do as far as routine maintenance on this bird.
I have read and printed out the pre-flight and post-flight checklist posted on here already.
If there is a routine schedule of things to look for and do, such as , applying lite oil to the bearings on the motors once in a while or anything of that nature. I have seen video's and read write up's on both sides of oiling the bearings on the motors on other drones so was wondering about this drone, and anything else anybody feels is important for the safety of the drone and pilot. Anything that has a tendency to come loose after a couple of flights and so on.
If there is a thread on this I would appreciate being pointed toward that. I did a search for it but nothing showed up but I may have worded it wrong.
Thanks in advance for any help !
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There is no routine maintenance for the Q500 related to lubrication.
The batteries need to be cared for, and since you have other drones, I suspect you are already familiar with LiPo care. If not there is a lot of discussion on the Forum.

I don't routinely do calibrations. Only if an issue comes up.

I don't do firmware updates unless there is a clear benefit to be gained. Q500 updates have been pretty reliable. ST10+ updates and CG03 updates have created issues. You would be amazed how many folks get a new drone, start doing updates right out of the box, and then come to the forum looking for help with their brand new brick.

Store with Props on if you can. The motor/propeller threads seem to be subject to wear.

Store with the camera in place, or with the dust cover over the contacts on the bottom of the drone. The contacts are energized anytime the drone is on. If the contacts are exposed by absence of both camera and cover, it is a melted main board waiting to happen.

If the mud gets too deep on the shell, I wipe it down with a damp cloth, and maybe a little Amorall, but not much.
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I appreciate the replies you have done for the questions I have asked. You always respond quickly and give great advice and it is appreciated !
I hate I have ask so many questions but this drone is new to me and so is the size of it so just want to make sure I find out as much as I can.
You can read the manuals ( which I do ) but there is no better advice and info than from someone with experience with it !
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