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Windows or iOS?

Mar 19, 2021
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Hi all,

I’m looking to replace my creaking PC and an considering swapping to Mac, but I’m unsure if this will have any impact on compatibility with Datapilot or synching out to the android-based ST16e.
Does anybody here have experience of operating datapilot etc on a Mac? Would be great to hear your thoughts! Thanks.
Hi all,

I’m looking to replace my creaking PC and an considering swapping to Mac, but I’m unsure if this will have any impact on compatibility with Datapilot or synching out to the android-based ST16e.
Does anybody here have experience of operating datapilot etc on a Mac? Would be great to hear your thoughts! Thanks.
Hi Jubbagash,

I am a Mac user with a Typhoon H Plus. The Yuneec DataPilot Planner program did not open for me on the 2022 M1 MacBook Pro, but does open on my 2013 MacBook Pro. I do not use the program for the flying I do. I attempted to get it to connect to my ST16 controller over wifi. I was unable to get it to connect over the network to my ST16 controller.

I had a few times I did need to download the files from the ST16 controller to my Mac. I connected the two by USB cable and used a program called Android File Transfer from the Mac App Store.

Perhaps you may be better off with a PC on this one.

I hope that helped.
If you're considering changing OS, why limit yourself to Windows or Mac? Give one of the popular Linux distros a go... Ubuntu, Mint, Pop, etc. Most of the easier to use ones have live CDs so you can try them out (albeit quite slow) without having to install anything.

If you switch to a Mac, you'll have basically all the same problems people claim Linux has... Only you've paid double the price for the hardware.

If suggest if you're used to Windows and not interested in learning new stuff and having limited a community to help you, stick with Windows.
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