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Odkaz na dokument je zde:
Manuál Typhoon H.

EDIT: Zveřejněn nesprávný odkaz
CZ-Děkuji za manuál. Já jsem to vytvořil je obrázky a překládal do CZ. Složité. A nyní mi vadí, že nejsou baterie v dobré ceně a data pro Typhon H již nejsou. To máme Typhon H vyhodit a koupit nové? Již nechci Yunec. Nestarají se.
A-Děkujeme za příručku. Udělal jsem to také s obrázky a přeložil do češtiny. Složitý. A teď mi nevadí, že baterie nejsou dobré a data pro Typhona H jsou pryč. Máme vyhodit Typhona H a koupit nový? Už nechci Yunec. Je jim to jedno.
Moje žena a já jsme profesoři angličtiny. Po přečtení příručky jsme našli více než jen několik gramatických chyb a rádi bychom se dobrovolně stali redaktory. Dělá knihy a manuální úpravy pro Macmillana poměrně často a zjistili jsme, že vytváříme dobrý tým, který si navzájem pomáhá. Je-li to přijatelné, měli bychom dokladovat za běhu nebo počkat na téměř dokončení?

Odesláno z mého HS-10DTB12A-16M pomocí Tapatalk
Okud jsi. Nejsi z CZ? Jde o manuály.
I've decided to start an editable document for everyone to help contribute information for a better manual.

The first stage will be completely open for all to help. Second stage will close for only a select few to actually edit, but everyone can make comments for things to be added or changed.

Anyone who helps is welcome to leave a note on the last section!

Please Please Please don't troll.

Link to the document is here:
Typhoon H manual

EDIT: Posted wrong link
Link to an unofficial preflight inspection checklist infographic:
Until someone flies a few motors out the life cycle is an unknown. Periodic motor checks will suffice for replacement cycle until some time periods are known. I'll be surprised if they make more than 50 hours.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Do we have any information on the life of the engines since this date (2016)?
Do we have any information on the life of the engines since this date (2016)?
I've never heard of any motors being replaced other than those which have been damaged. I replaced one on an H last year for a friend of mine who landed poorly on a beach full of iron ore. That motor had sucked in ore deposits which stuck to the magnets and ruined the motor.
I suspect these motors are more robust than we realize. In 2008 Yuneec pioneered the electric motor application for manned aircraft and developed a series of very large motors for that purpose. So it's not surprising their motors are well designed.
I've never heard of any motors being replaced other than those which have been damaged. I replaced one on an H last year for a friend of mine who landed poorly on a beach full of iron ore. That motor had sucked in ore deposits which stuck to the magnets and ruined the motor.
I suspect these motors are more robust than we realize. In 2008 Yuneec pioneered the electric motor application for manned aircraft and developed a series of very large motors for that purpose. So it's not surprising their motors are well designed.
thank you for your answer
@AH-1G replaced his...not sure "why", but he's the only one I know of who has done a complete motor swap. If he sees this he might chime in with some info...
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@AH-1G replaced his...not sure "why", but he's the only one I know of who has done a complete motor swap. If he sees this he might chime in with some info...
Yes I did a complete motor swap, (all 6). I had about 75 hours and for some reason some of the motor bearings were sounding bad. I I ordered 8 motors, I'm glad I did, one of the new motors didn't work.


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