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Visual Flight Training

Thanks guys, glad you like them and am going to make more for sure

Your videos are awesome! You do a great job explaining things! The CCC video and cruise control videos helped me so much. I actually used the cruise control for the first time yesterday and it worked great! Keep it up!
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@Ty Pilot
Great video for the beginners. Only thing I would add is in the very beginning, put an arrow to show where the aircraft is. Would be a bit hard for some to follow if they did not see the dot. Shows you do not always need RTH to regain orientation.

Going to sticky this for a bit. May help save someone from a crash.
Or better yet, a third person to just photograph from closer.
Yep, Thats on my list of stuff I want to cover eventually and coming from a long RC background I really think it helps to get as familiar with your aircraft in as natural a state as possible. By the way, your down is South Florida right? I used to live in West Palm.

well hello there you probably wouldn't recognize who I am but I started listening to you several months ago when I first got my typhoon H pro.thanks to you I found the transmitter tree and it works great . also believe it or not I found a belt that you can mount your transmitter on to .by the way I am from your hometown Tampa Florida I've been in Pennsylvania for with 37 years if not longer . it is always a pleasure to hear you talk about this stuff at the 45 crashes I finally learned what to do with this thing thanks to you .
I made this video where I describe some techniques to use command inputs to determine the aircraft's' orientation at a distance. Many of those with previous RC experience do this naturally as it was a requirement to fly - recognize and rely or else you'll die. ;) But A lot of those who don't have this experience might benefit from a few simple exercises that help build that skill set so I just touch on some basics.

Was referred to this video from today's thread re: fly away. Excellent! I have seen all of your videos and refer to them for training for may be a Yuneec 520. I look forward to any more videos you make.
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