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Visual Flight Training

Ty Pilot

One Hexy Pilot
Premium Pilot
Feb 24, 2017
Reaction score
Central Florida
I made this video where I describe some techniques to use command inputs to determine the aircraft's' orientation at a distance. Many of those with previous RC experience do this naturally as it was a requirement to fly - recognize and rely or else you'll die. ;) But A lot of those who don't have this experience might benefit from a few simple exercises that help build that skill set so I just touch on some basics.

I made this video where I describe some techniques to use command inputs to determine the aircraft's' orientation at a distance. Many of those with previous RC experience do this naturally as it was a requirement to fly - recognize and rely or else you'll die. ;) But A lot of those who don't have this experience might benefit from a few simple exercises that help build that skill set so I just touch on some basics.

Nice Video, I see a internet based school in your future. ;)
That's the method I use to determine orientation. Once you get the hang of it, doing it comes so naturally that you don't think about it...it sort of becomes a second nature. The method works even if your aircraft is just a dot in the distance...so long as you can see it (even if it's just a dot) you can determine orientation and bring it back without the benefit of the screen...the basic requirement of having VLOS.

Good video, Ty, you explained it well.
Excellent video! I think I practice these almost 1 out of every four flights. If I'm doing compass calibrations or loading up GPS I do my squares, circles, figure 8s and out and backs afterwards to get the battery down to storage level. It also proves that the aircraft and pilot are ready for the mission.

Thanks again for an excellent series! Looking forward to the next one.
@Ty Pilot
Great video for the beginners. Only thing I would add is in the very beginning, put an arrow to show where the aircraft is. Would be a bit hard for some to follow if they did not see the dot. Shows you do not always need RTH to regain orientation.

Going to sticky this for a bit. May help save someone from a crash.
@BobW55 Thank you sir. Yes, in that view from my chest mounted camera it is hard to see and I probably should have pointed it out. I have attached a pic to show where it is at the moment in the video.

I find as I get further from the days of flying at over 200 MPH and at distances out near a third of a mile, that it is always good to keep the basics or orientation and control up to date as a remote pilot even when flying a modern multi-rotor. Its all too easy to become complacent and reliant on the capability they bring to the table and like any skill - Use it or lose it defiantly applies.

I made this video where I describe some techniques to use command inputs to determine the aircraft's' orientation at a distance. Many of those with previous RC experience do this naturally as it was a requirement to fly - recognize and rely or else you'll die. ;) But A lot of those who don't have this experience might benefit from a few simple exercises that help build that skill set so I just touch on some basics.

Great video.
For practice, I would add another step: disable GPS and fly the craft back to your location.
Disabling GPS and manual operation are the proper response if you experience a 'flyaway', which some have experienced and commented on. The most common cause is an issue with the GPS and/or compass. Practicing LOS orientation with GPS disabled will give you an understanding of how you should respond in the unfortunate circumstance of not having control input while there is a GPS and/or compass issue. You will also gain experience counteracting the wind.
Be careful when flying with full forward pitch into a headwind. The TH is significantly faster with GPS disabled, but it will lose altitude during full forward pitch when flying directly into a headwind.
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Yep, Thats on my list of stuff I want to cover eventually and coming from a long RC background I really think it helps to get as familiar with your aircraft in as natural a state as possible. By the way, your down is South Florida right? I used to live in West Palm.

Yep, Thats on my list of stuff I want to cover eventually and coming from a long RC background I really think it helps to get as familiar with your aircraft in as natural a state as possible. By the way, your down is South Florida right? I used to live in West Palm.

Plantation, about 15 minutes west of Ft. Lauderdale.
Good stuff. I hope newbies see this and take the time to practice learning how to become a competent pilot. This is a great vid for not so newbie too! Thanks for sharing.
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I absolutely enjoy your style of instruction. As a former military vet, I'd be willing to bet, you're prior service as well. There is just something about your 'block of instruction' style that reminds me of previous Cadre. I enjoyed your material and will continue referring to your channel for further information.
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I absolutely enjoy your style of instruction. As a former military vet, I'd be willing to bet, you're prior service as well. There is just something about your 'block of instruction' style that reminds me of previous Cadre. I enjoyed your material and will continue referring to your channel for further information.
@Chasing Blue Sky. Pat is not former military, but he is a very intelligent person and a lot of fun to be around.:cool:
We live close to each other, from time to time we get together exchanging ideas and flying. His ideas are far superior to mine though!:(;)
I found this video very useful . I tend to loose site of the H when it has trees in the background . Also when at a distance and being a hexcopter I loose orientation Easily . The video helps me to figure out which way the h is pointing . A
Though it’s easy to look at the display and see which way the arrow is pointing I like to keep the H in site .

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