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UAV Toolbox - New release August 16th - 2.3.0

No doubt, and certainly adding an extra dimension to the experience. The Hololens arrangement didn’t provide sensory motion but was totally immersive as everywhere you looked or moved to maintained the holographic environment.

Imagine flying over a forest fire using thermal imagery to locate and identify hot spots concealed by dense smoke and directing water bombers to them while adjusting their drops for better accuracy. You “see” the other aircraft, drones, manned, whatever, overlaid on an aerial grid with a 3 dimensional terrain graphic below. The aircraft possessing cameras are transmitting imagery you can see and shift between in addition to yours. If you need to slew their cameras for improved situational awareness you have the ability to do so, without touching a joystick.

The crazy part of the whole thing is it’s not fiction, it’s real and in use. Pretty much takes all the excitement out of minor camera improvements and new app announcements.
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I had a brief conversation with Andy and asked if a mapping/survey feature was possible to add to a future release of UAV Toolbox. While there was no promise, he also didn't rule it out.
So, I thought I would do a quick survey to see what the interest is. Please respond to the following questions.

1) Would a mapping/survey feature similar to "DataPilot" be useful to you? (reply 1-2-3-4- or 5) where 1 is no interest and 5 is high interest.

2) If a mapping/survey feature was added to UAV Toolbox, would you be willing to pay a surcharge over the base app cost ($18USD) if so how much $0.00, $5.00, $10.00?
Thanks for participating, I will start it off with my response next
5 interest level definitely, and 20 or less I'd buy upon release, more ... I'd wait and see what others said.

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