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Typhoon H 480 PX4 v1.10 (Stability issues ;-)

PX4 Autopilot documentation should help. Autotuning may the first try:

br HE
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A new Thunderbird was born yesterday, located in south of Germany. Can't wait to hear from maiden flight. Let's see...
Maiden flight was successful. The new feeling to fly a Typhoon H made the pilot smile all the time. One person more made happy, thank you @Pöllö .

br HE
I don't know why I was so lazy, but now after two months I found out that latest firmware for Thunderbird was uploaded to GitHub. Now I'm able to find changes and it is easier to understand the code.
I have three proposals (as pull request):
- in RCInput.cpp change telemetryPayload.flightmode to 0x00 for NAVIGATION_STATE_STAB to distinguish from Altitude mode,
- I would rather see the air_data.baro_alt_meter instead of the GPS.alt (see comment / uncomment line 198
- I would seperate GPSacc_H from alarmbytes (Error Flags as uint8_t in telemetry format) gps_acc is also uint8_t. Typhoon H sens values between 0 and 200 where 200 is a maximum default value. This seems somehow to come from gps.eph. GPS fix is usually set when gps_acc == 50 (shown in telemetry data as 2.5).

br HE
@h-elsner Is the ground speed on the ST16 screen come as raw value via downlink from the H or is calculated locally from GPS coordinates?
The speed will be calculated in ST16 from Vx, Vy and Vz in telemetry sent by done (byte 18-23).
That means it is not really the ground speed but air speed due to speed from Z-axis. Thos values come from gyro + accelerometer, not GPS.

br HE


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Should prepare some arithmetic to obtain a stable "shadow" on the ground, which moves with a balanced speed about a water flow value. GPS doesn't usable for this, but the approach in the ST16 is promising.
The task is a bit complicated. I'll explain it after I have got some success.

Thank you!
I just found that Thunderbird firmware for Typhoon H480 and I am interested in using it for 3d mapping.
I read from earlier messages that the Thunderbird firmware is ready for fully automated missions.

So, can I use the Thunderbird for 3d-mapping by planning the mission on computer and then moving the file to Typhoon ?
I read that there is two types of Typhoon H stm32 based boards, others have sd-card reader and others not.
Do I need the sd-card reader board, if I want to fly 3d-mapping missions ?

If I understood right, I can plan the 3d-mapping mission route with QGroundControl software and load the file to drone.
Can I load the file to Typhoon with Typhoon's stm32 board usb connector or must I take the sd-card every time from the reader and load the file to the card ?
In some older batches of the Typhoon H flight controller the SD card slot was still mounted on PCB. Later Yuneec decides to left this area as unused but the ladder tracks are still there. Íf you have one of the old flight controller, the SD card could be used to store flight logs and missions. But this is also possible to do without the SD card. The only thing is that you have less space in the flash memory of the STM32. Pöllö has written it here somewhere, I think up to 40 missions, depending on the size of the mission. So, yes, you can use Typhoon H with Thunderbird FW to fly missions without having a SD card. The missions can only be uploaded via USB cable from QGroundControl.

I'm personally not intrested with automated flights at all. That's why I did not tested missions with my Thunderbird, but Pöllö did. The mission related part in my descriptions is very poor due to this. However, the latest stuff (de/en) is here:

br HE
In some older batches of the Typhoon H flight controller the SD card slot was still mounted on PCB. Later Yuneec decides to left this area as unused but the ladder tracks are still there. Íf you have one of the old flight controller, the SD card could be used to store flight logs and missions. But this is also possible to do without the SD card. The only thing is that you have less space in the flash memory of the STM32. Pöllö has written it here somewhere, I think up to 40 missions, depending on the size of the mission. So, yes, you can use Typhoon H with Thunderbird FW to fly missions without having a SD card. The missions can only be uploaded via USB cable from QGroundControl.

I'm personally not intrested with automated flights at all. That's why I did not tested missions with my Thunderbird, but Pöllö did. The mission related part in my descriptions is very poor due to this. However, the latest stuff (de/en) is here:

br HE
Ok, thanks for your informations.

Will the ST16 measure the voltage of the flight battery ? I found text "The ST16 is not monitoring the voltage.
It waits on the Voltage Warning Flags that never come from Thunderbird." from Thunderbird manual.

How the fully automated flights work, after powering on the Typhoon I probably must push some button that the Typhoon begin to do the mission.

I found that Yuneec Datalink software is based on QGroundControl, so I might find some 3d-mapping manuals for Datalink software.

Will the Yuneec's flight modes (for example POI, CCC and other) work with Thunderbird ?
You will see the voltage on the screen of the ST16 but you will never get Low Voltage Error Flag. That's why there is no more Low Voltage Message nor Vibration alarm. You must have a look on the voltage on display. The drone will do RTH or emergency landing depending on parameter settings.

When you switch the flight mode switch to 'Mission' the mission starts.

POI, CCC and other so called tasks are not implemented. The tasks need serial connection to the camera. Due to missing documentation about this communication handling of this data link is not implemented. Also the camera will not pan anymore, only tilt works.

br HE
You will see the voltage on the screen of the ST16 but you will never get Low Voltage Error Flag. That's why there is no more Low Voltage Message nor Vibration alarm. You must have a look on the voltage on display. The drone will do RTH or emergency landing depending on parameter settings.

When you switch the flight mode switch to 'Mission' the mission starts.

POI, CCC and other so called tasks are not implemented. The tasks need serial connection to the camera. Due to missing documentation about this communication handling of this data link is not implemented. Also the camera will not pan anymore, only tilt works.

br HE
Ok, can I manage camera settings (for example resolution, image adjustments etc.) by normally with ST16 ?
And ST16's image and video buttons will work like with default Typhoon H ?

I found this st-link v2 dongle: ST-LINK V2 Emulator and Debugger Dongle - PARTCO
It looks like compatible and I think those can be work for programming the Thunderbird firmware and bootloader to Typhoon's stm32 board.
Do you agree that the dongle is compatible with the project?

What might be the connector type of the Typhoon's stm32 board ?
I mean this connector, what connects SWCLK, SWDIO, Vcc and GND:

I can also use the soldering option, I mean that I solder the st-link wires to these places:

So there have been no major bugs or issues with the latest Thunderbird firmware ?


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All settings for the camera work. Camera is controlled by CGI commands via 5GHz WiFi connections to ST16. This one is untouched by the drone FW.

ST link V2:
Yes, all ST link V2 shall work with STM32.

Debug port:
After trying different ways to connect the debug port, now I prefer temporary soldered wires to the debug pads on the MCU board.

The FW itself is and will be experimental. For me, I'm flying FW Thunderbird_170521_CD since 2020 (also as tester before release). The only problem I see is with battery. I have older batteries and they break down very fast. Drone tries to come back but goes quick to auto-land then where it is. No vibration alarm because the error flags are not sent to ST16. We have to have an eye on the voltage upper left.

br HE
All settings for the camera work. Camera is controlled by CGI commands via 5GHz WiFi connections to ST16. This one is untouched by the drone FW.

ST link V2:
Yes, all ST link V2 shall work with STM32.

Debug port:
After trying different ways to connect the debug port, now I prefer temporary soldered wires to the debug pads on the MCU board.

The FW itself is and will be experimental. For me, I'm flying FW Thunderbird_170521_CD since 2020 (also as tester before release). The only problem I see is with battery. I have older batteries and they break down very fast. Drone tries to come back but goes quick to auto-land then where it is. No vibration alarm because the error flags are not sent to ST16. We have to have an eye on the voltage upper left.

br HE
Ok, I will test Thunderbird firmware if I get ST-link V2 dongle.

Still a few questions about the firmware installation:
- Are the compass, gyroscope, accelerometer and level horizon calibrations all the necessary calibrations or should I do some other calibrations ?

- Should I set some channel or other settings to ST16 or will the Thunderbird firmware set the right channels and switches by default that way that I do not need to change any settings on ST16 ?
- Are the compass, gyroscope, accelerometer and level horizon calibrations all the necessary calibrations or should I do some other calibrations ?
Yes, absolutely.

- Should I set some channel or other settings to ST16 or will the Thunderbird firmware set the right channels and switches by default that way that I do not need to change any settings on ST16 ?
No. There is no need to change channel settings in ST16. All (used) channels are the same as stock H480, including camera tilt.
The only need to change channel setting is for adding more flight modes. Here I have two examples, one with and one without changes in channel settings:

You have the freedom to do more, assign other flight modes and change behavior by own parameter settings. But as in real life, more freedom comes with greater responsibility.

br HE
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Yes, absolutely.

No. There is no need to change channel settings in ST16. All (used) channels are the same as stock H480, including camera tilt.
The only need to change channel setting is for adding more flight modes. Here I have two examples, one with and one without changes in channel settings:

You have the freedom to do more, assign other flight modes and change behavior by own parameter settings. But as in real life, more freedom comes with greater responsibility.

br HE
Ok, I read about your manual for setting up the flight modes and yes it looks like that I should only change some parameters in QGroundControl to enable mission mode.
Or what will be the default modes enabled, is the mission mode included ?
Thanks for your manual.

I thought that if I make a mission route and I want to execute it with Thunderbird and Typhoon, should I change the flight mode switch to mission mode when flying, because I am always a little bit different place than the start point of the mission route ?
I mean that can the Thunderbird execute the route if I start the Typhoon and switch to mission mode on the ground when I am for example approximately 50 meters next to the start point of the route ?
Mission mode not tested by me. The Thunderbird documentation cannot cover all the PX4 Autopilot capabilities. Therefore the link to Redirecting to latest version of document (master)

Mission mode is described here:

The settings in default parameter set "thunderbird_160521.params" are:
COM_FLTMODE1 3 Mission (lower posion of flight mode switch)
COM_FLTMODE2 -1 unassigned
COM_FLTMODE4 2 Postion (=Angle mode; middle)
COM_FLTMODE6 8 Stabilized (upper)

br HE
I am very interested in this project.
I have multiple H pros and would like to convert one to test...
Available documentation in german and english is here: Thunderbird/Documentation at Typhoon_H_480 · h-elsner/Thunderbird
PX4 Autopilot User guide is here: PX4 User Guide

Start with "Flashing_Thunderbird" and follow the instructions. You need experiences in soldering and a programmer ST-Link V2.
Before 1st test flight do all calibrations - compass and IMU (3 steps). And read the "Thunderbird_Manual" and check interesting parts of PX4 Autopilot documentation (User guide, parameter reference, flight modes etc.).

br HE

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