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ST10+ Firmware update instructions


Staff member
Premium Pilot
Oct 27, 2018
Reaction score
North Carolina Piedmont, USA
The attached document was developed to assist a member needing instructions for updating ST10+ firmware. The document is easier to use than the standard instructions that come with the firmware, so it is posted here for anyone that may need it in the future. The document is currently provided in only English and French.


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  • ST10(+) Firmware Update Instructions R4.pdf
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The attached document was developed to assist a member needing instructions for updating ST10+ firmware. The document is easier to use than the standard instructions that come with the firmware, so it is posted here for anyone that may need it in the future. The document is currently provided in only English and French.
Tom, being a lazy sod with not many smarts, would updating the Firmware apply to us folks in Australia ??, I see you mentioned. REGION.
The attached document was developed to assist a member needing instructions for updating ST10+ firmware. The document is easier to use than the standard instructions that come with the firmware, so it is posted here for anyone that may need it in the future. The document is currently provided in only English and French.
Tom, would this update apply in Australia ??
I see you mentioned 'Region'
PS. I received an ST10+ from Grumpy, would this update work on a US device and be converted to AUS do you think??
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Hi Steve,
The firmware regions are US and EU. I know Australia has closer economic / political relations with EU than US, but don't if EU drone restrictions apply. Step two of the document has the links for both EU and US version of the firmware.
The firmware has been out there for several years. Most (but not all) controllers floating around have already been updated. You can check your version under "System Setting" , then "About Flight Mode Control" then look for "Build number" near the bottom of the screen. Latest US version is: ST10+o1b31c. Latest EU version is: ST10+Firmware Vst10+v01b30c.

And it would appear I am about to learn something. I was going to try to load EU firmware on a controller already running the latest US firmware, and the EU Zip expanded into a different file structure than I expected. I know it's already late in the evening for you. I'll look into this, and hopefully have the results for you in the morning (which will me my evening, of your yesterday. I think. This time zone stuff would be a lot easier if we had just left the earth flat, like it's supposed to be.)
Not much to report. The latest US and EU version are pretty much the same from any functional standpoint. The instructions will work as written for the US version. I need to do something for the EU version of the firmware, but it looks like it's not going to have much detail. Other than the file structure being different in a couple images, it would be the same, but I don't have a way to "walk through" any detailed guidance. I can't add it to the document if I can't review it.

Are you having problems with the current firmware? If so, what version do you currently have installed?
Not much to report. The latest US and EU version are pretty much the same from any functional standpoint. The instructions will work as written for the US version. I need to do something for the EU version of the firmware, but it looks like it's not going to have much detail. Other than the file structure being different in a couple images, it would be the same, but I don't have a way to "walk through" any detailed guidance. I can't add it to the document if I can't review it.

Are you having problems with the current firmware? If so, what version do you currently have installed?
B'day Tom,
I am not flying the Chroma as you are aware. I was hoping that a Firmware 'udate'may cure the problem.
I will get to the Tx today some time, my electric wheelchair done went and broke an alloy support strut which I will rig up a repair today now that the machined bits have arrived.
I'll get to Tx after that.
Thanks for your reply as unusual.
We recently ran into a very new (to me) issue. Another member was having big difficulties getting his ST10 to work at all on his Q500. One notable symptom was that the controller would work if the camera was NOT mounted, but would not work if the camera was present. It turned out there was a compatibility issue between the camera (CG03) firmware version and the ST10+ firmware version. When both were updated, the issue went away. You may want to check what firmware version you have on your camera as well as the firmware version on your Chroma.

The camera firmware version can be checked by using a picture taken by the camera. Navigate windows explorer to the picture, right click on the picture, select "properties", and scroll down until you get to the camera information. It will tell you the camera firmware version that was on the camera when that picture was taken.
B'day Tom,
I am not flying the Chroma as you are aware. I was hoping that a Firmware 'udate'may cure the problem.
I will get to the Tx today some time, my electric wheelchair done went and broke an alloy support strut which I will rig up a repair today now that the machined bits have arrived.
I'll get to Tx after that.
Thanks for your reply as unusual.
Geez I hate predictive text, makes me out to rude!
I knew what you meant. It's bit me a couple times this week already. :)

I just uploaded a new version of the Firmware update documents. Not much of an upgrade, just put in a note prior to Step 6 so folks won't freak out if they open EU version and find about a dozen or so files that are not in the US version. Load 'em all on the SD. If the system doesn't need it, it won't use it.
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My question is this, as I have been struggling with this upgrade now for some many hours, possibly needlessly.....

On PAGE 4 STEP 15 you are displaying a file named: st10+v01b30c

On PAGE 4 STEP 17 you are "tapping" a file named: st10plus_tx_b32.bin

On PAGE 5 STEP 18 you verify a file named: st10plus_tx_b32.bin

On PAGE 6 STEP 20 again it is verified that: st10plus_tx_b32.bin is met with "Update Success"

On PAGE 10 STEP 29 "Verify Build number updated as expected:" HOWEVER at this stage your displaying: st10+v01b31c Which is neither (st10+v01b30c or st10plus_tx_b32).

Which in my mind does not equate to "as expected" one would THINK that
(st10+v01b30c or st10plus_tx_b32) would be displayed (the first being a failure and the latter a success).

This is in my realm of understanding how "Updates" work, in any situation that I have previously encountered, I have not had the experience of a COMPLETELY different nomaclature appear and be considered "correct" or "successful".

This is however the way MY ST-10+ is behaving (many many attempts at it and no change) and since I seem to be having similar results to yours I am inclined to just shrug my shoulders and chalk it up to a new learning experience..........with grave trepidation.

I will re-bind my aircraft and attempt to fly this, but beyond this full faith and trust in your methodology, can you please explain to my incredibly logical sence of order WHY THESE NUMBERS ARE ALL COMPLETELY DIFFERENT.....my adhd and ocd will thank you....

Blue Skys

EDIT: Well I flew it and it was a thing of beauty......exactly followed my control inputs, took off and landed gracefully, did not hit anythig.

What more could one ask for (aside from the above explanation)...Thank you to ALL who have made this possible by your posts and experiences, there are too many of you to mention.

Blue Skys
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Which in my mind does not equate to "as expected" one would THINK that
(st10+v01b30c or st10plus_tx_b32) would be displayed (the first being a failure and the latter a success).

This is in my realm of understanding how "Updates" work, in any situation that I have previously encountered, I have not had the experience of a COMPLETELY different nomaclature appear and be considered "correct" or "successful".

Well, yeah, it is exactly "as expected", as these are the numbers you will see during an update from US version 30c to US version 31c. There may be others that are not fully aware of how an update is structured, so maybe I need to add some explanation to the document. But for now, just let me address the items you found confusing. I will figure out a way to enhance the document later.

The words in black italics are your comments from the post above. The words in blue are the explanations for each.

On PAGE 4 STEP 15 you are displaying a file named: st10+v01b30c
st10+v01b30c was the BUILD Number (firmware update version) of the firmware installed on the controller prior to beginning the update. It is noted here so you can verify a change after the new update is installed.

On PAGE 4 STEP 17 you are "tapping" a file named: st10plus_tx_b32.bin
st10plus_tx-b32.bin is the actual transmitter update file contained within the new firmware update.

On PAGE 5 STEP 18 you verify a file named: st10plus_tx_b32.bin

See explanation for Step 4

On PAGE 6 STEP 20 again it is verified that: st10plus_tx_b32.bin is met with "Update Success"
Again, see explanation for Step 4

On PAGE 10 STEP 29 "Verify Build number updated as expected:" HOWEVER at this stage your displaying: st10+v01b31c Which is neither (st10+v01b30c or st10plus_tx_b32).
st10+v01b31c is BUILD Number (firmware update version) of the firmware you just installed, which included the transmitter version st10plus_tx-b32.bin.

The pictures provided are associated with a USA update from version 30c to 31c. ALL the file numbers, of course, would be different for different versions of the US firmware, and even the file structure is somewhat different for the EU version. I do not expect Yuneec to ever provide another US version, and hoped the brief mention of difference to the EU version would be enough to avoid confusion for anyone using the EU versions, but I guess that might not be enough. It will take me awhile to figure out how to restructure this thing. I don't want to render it unusable for the average user, and too much explanation has the potential for doing just that. But I think I have to do something. The whole idea was to provide something that anyone can use, and it apparently does not meet that standard.

Well I hope you dont take that too harshly, I have been writing "Step-By-Step" technical instructions for YEARS I even had one on how to build a server and configure it for a VERY HIGH END printing company RIP for a prepress department and my boss challenged me to a very nice dinner out if his wife could sucessfully get the server and RIP up and running without my (or anyone elses) intervention....

The Steak and Crab were excellent that evening (it took her about 3 days to get it done but she did it)....

So I understand how being told some portion of your write up is not making sense, but other than that one little hiccup.....which is mostly my anal-retentive nature. Your write up is SPOT ON...!!!!

If I didnt think so, I would be writing one now myself, and I'm NOT....GOOD JOB....!!!

Bl;ue Skys
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So I understand how being told some portion of your write up is not making sense....

Trust me. Review and feedback is a good thing. I have a similar background. I learned a long time ago that NO ONE can effectively review their own work. You will always see what you meant to say. IF that is not what you actually said, you will have a problem.

The attached file is a draft with a couple changes. The most significant change is a new item #4 under "Introduction", added specifically to address your concern. A couple other minor changes were made. (Fixed a grammar error or two, added a couple steps to say 'click OK" that previously assumed it would be done without guidance, expanded the final step into three steps for clarity, and fixed some general "consistency" issues.)

Any review and feedback would be appreciated.

Tom B.


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#WTFDProject....I have been quite busy this week and will try and get a look at your documentaton this weekend. But i was just skimming over our past conversation and wanted to hightlight a point that I beleive i did forget to mention before and that is that I am in the US and am NOT using the EU version of the software......unless I have royally screwed up.....not that it matters much my issue was that when i download and install version X.xxxxx of firmware i DO NOT expect to see version X.xxyx as the installed version currently runni8ng. (i expect to see version X.xxxxx) I am pretty sure you understood that from the beginning but just want to be crystal clear amd make sure we are not chasing different rabbits....

Blue Skys

Within Adobe Reader (free version should be fine) if you hover your cursor over MOST of the highlighted areas you will see explanations (annotations) for the modifications I SUGGEST ONLY, Your doc is excellent as is, I just threw my $0.02 into the mix, also added a section use at your discression or discarcrd all completely.

Blue Skys


  • ST10(+) Firmware Update Instructions R4-A.pdf
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That's a very good review. And some good thoughts. I may not use the new section, as it will not look familiar to everyone, but it also shows it would a good idea to specify early in the document which operating system was used to generate the pictures. (I've used PC and Windows for so long it never occurred to me that it may not look familiar to everyone.)
Great Job. I hope to have time tomorrow to start incorporating your comments. I think this will be a real improvement to the document.
Tom B.
That's a very good review. And some good thoughts. I may not use the new section, as it will not look familiar to everyone, but it also shows it would a good idea to specify early in the document which operating system was used to generate the pictures. (I've used PC and Windows for so long it never occurred to me that it may not look familiar to everyone.)
Great Job. I hope to have time tomorrow to start incorporating your comments. I think this will be a real improvement to the document.
Tom B.

Because I personally have a long histroy of supporting both Mac and PC versions of software and having to use both side by side so much that I have had to come up proficent in Mac, PC as well as LINUX, in my opinion this statement: "I may not use the new section, as it will not look familiar to everyone" completely illustrates why you SHOULD include that section......to demonstrate to those of us on the "other side" that this procedure HAS been sucessfully completed in both OS's......maybe just add a note that states that this page is the Mac iteration for those of you whom exixt in that environment....someting like that.....demo the diversity...kind of thing....

Blue Skys

Due to not availability of the update zip file on the yuneec.com official page, can someone share it with us? I'm interested in the EU version, but the US will be welcome too for other ppl.

Hello, I hope you are okay, I was not able to download the document, is there anyway you coukd share the frimeware update to my email? [email protected] please or where else can I find it? Thank you
I'm not sure if you need the instructions or the firmware itself.
See if these will work:
Link to firmware:

Latest Version of the Document:


  • ST10+ Firmware Update.pdf
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