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ST-16 controller won't stay in the bind page have camera but not controller

May 28, 2018
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ST-16 controller is on the bind page for only a couple of flights and then gone the camera is on the bind page. What am i doing wrong?
ST-16 controller is on the bind page for only a couple of flights and then gone the camera is on the bind page. What am i doing wrong?


Not sure I am understanding your question.

Are you saying you do not see the Typhoon H in the bind list, but you do see the camera?

The more important question I have for you is this: Are you still able to control your H? In other words, what is the reason you are going back to the bind menu?

If your ST16 is still bound to the desired H (many pilots have more than one, hence the precise wording here)... it may be normal not to see the actual H model once it is bound.

I am checking mine at the moment - confirmed! I do not see the H in the model column of the BIND page; only the camera is listed. This is normal.

Thus: if you are still connected to your H, you should be good to go.

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Not sure I am understanding your question.

Are you saying you do not see the Typhoon H in the bind list, but you do see the camera?

The more important question I have for you is this: Are you still able to control your H? In other words, what is the reason you are going back to the bind menu?

If your ST16 is still bound to the desired H (many pilots have more than one, hence the precise wording here)... it may be normal not to see the actual H model once it is bound.

I am checking mine at the moment - confirmed! I do not see the H in the model column of the BIND page; only the camera is listed. This is normal.

Thus: if you are still connected to your H, you should be good to go.

Thanks for the help the one problem i am having is yes it will fly but at 300 to 400 feet out i start loosing control and have to save it by clicking return to home
the drone just keeps slowly drifting further away from me and seems non responsive. Thought for sure i was going to lose it but i was able to bring it back using return to home mode. Also yesterday i flew the drone and seemed to stay in control for the entire flight but my elevation maxed out at 327 feet and would not go any higher
Have you tested the stick in Hardware Monitor?

No i have not tested the sticks but will do so. Just one question on the video you determine a bad stick said that it needs cleaning, but i assume that the edit and return to home doesn't actually clean it so how do you clean the stick

If the above procedure does not work, you may have to open up the controller to clean them directly.

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