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Oct 25, 2023
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Hi to all of you!
I puchase e Typhoon H drone & i wanna naw wich software is God for piloting the drone .
On my St 16 i have "Alta Prospettiva 5.0 Waypoint"
What you recomand my?
Thank you very much!
It is not recommended to use 3rd party SW on ST16. ST16 is dedicated to control the drone. Other SW may run processes that unexpected takes processor time. This could be dangerous.

I don't know what "Alta Prospettiva 5.0 Waypoint" can, but Typhoon H is not able to fly waypoints, only CCC.

br HE
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Thank you very much!
Haw can i instal original softwere in the st16or pair the drone with the st16?
Meny thanks!
Thank you very much!
Haw can i instal original softwere in the st16or pair the drone with the st16?
Meny thanks!
I am not familiar with "Alta Prospettiva 5.0 Waypoint" at all. The websites I found were full of reviews and comments, but nothing about the firmware, how it works, what it does or how to get it. The result is that I have no idea if any hardware changes are involved, if the firmware is only associated with the controller, if there are changes to the drone firmware, camera, or anything else unexpected. It would be good to know more about what you have.
Do you have any documentation associated with "Alta Prospettiva 5.0 Waypoint"?
If we knew more, we might be able to recommend a Factory Reset of the ST16. Without knowing more, there could be any number of nightmares lying in wait if such a simple approach is attempted.
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I am not familiar with "Alta Prospettiva 5.0 Waypoint" at all. The websites I found were full of reviews and comments, but nothing about the firmware, how it works, what it does or how to get it. The result is that I have no idea if any hardware changes are involved, if the firmware is only associated with the controller, if there are changes to the drone firmware, camera, or anything else unexpected. It would be good to know more about what you have.
Do you have any documentation associated with "Alta Prospettiva 5.0 Waypoint"?
If we knew more, we might be able to recommend a Factory Reset of the ST16. Without knowing more, there could be any number of nightmares lying in wait if such a simple approach is attempted.
Hi !
I succed to start the drone with the original softwere "Typhoon H,, the problem is thet i canot make update to the ST16 or the drone.
The mesage on the st 16 display is "network erori please connect to wifi ,, but the ST 16 is connected to my home network.
Can i download the softwere on e micro sd car to make update?
Some ideas please!
Thank you very much!
The latest EU firmware can be downloaded from the repository @Yuneec Skins:

There are other versions available if desired.
If you have Version 1.27 firmware on your CGo3+, this update will pretty much destroy your system. There have been no updates to Typhoon H firmware for many years. The single most common cause of Typhoon H problems has historically come from performing updates that did not need to be done. You may want to at least upload a screenshot of your firmware page for comment before attempting to update.

This link shows the current US firmware for Typhoon H. EU firmware numbers are similar:
I asked a friend in Italy who is familiar with this software. He says it was originally for the H920. He strongly recommends do NOT use it.
One might easily suspect this is not the original controller for your Typhoon H. It might be a real good idea to do a Factory reset, create a new model, bind drone and camera, and start fresh.

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