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SkyRC Q200 Charging tips

Feb 3, 2021
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Hello All,

I purchased a SkyRC Q200 quad charger with the cables to charge H520e batteries.
I am not sure about the best settings, though. I selected the LiHv program, and the 4s option and the charging starts, no problem.
But I am unsure about the amperage that is optimal for these types of batteries. Can anyone help me out with the best practices for charging the batteries so they will last long?
Never charge at more than 1C and some suggest charging at .5C to extend usable lifetime of the packs.

If you are using 5400mAh packs then 1C would be 5.4 A and .5C would be 2.7A. If you plan ahead use the lower rate. Always charge on balance charge setting. Make sure you put the packs at storage charge when not in use.
Never charge at more than 1C and some suggest charging at .5C to extend usable lifetime of the packs.

If you are using 5400mAh packs then 1C would be 5.4 A and .5C would be 2.7A. If you plan ahead use the lower rate. Always charge on balance charge setting. Make sure you put the packs at storage charge when not in use.
Thank you very much, I will stick to 0,5C then. One more newbie question what is the level of "storage charge" for these batteries?
Never charge at more than 1C and some suggest charging at .5C to extend usable lifetime of the packs.

If you are using 5400mAh packs then 1C would be 5.4 A and .5C would be 2.7A. If you plan ahead use the lower rate. Always charge on balance charge setting. Make sure you put the packs at storage charge when not in use.
That is excellent advise
Your charger will likely have storage charge at 3.85V to 3.95V per cell for the LiHV storage setting. So the pack will measure 15.4V to 15.6V total at storage.

I want to make you aware of the H520e battery connector melting issue if you haven’t been following it here on the forum. It is something you should check at the end of every flight and contact Yuneec if you have problems. See these threads possible battery issue when using e30zx camera. and battery meltdown round 2.
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Reactions: Gabe81
Q200 is a fantastic charger, I've the same.
It has also the nice function that can be connected via Bluetooth to an app and control charger status and functions from remote (but it's always more safe never leave batteries unattended when they are connected to the charger...)

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