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Save my yuneec smart charger before i rip it apart and cannibalise it...

Sep 3, 2021
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iv only had this yuneec mantis q drone for not even 24 hours and im already wanting to rip this charger apart. Mainly to remove the **** speaker that beeps louder than anything iv ever heard including my security home alarm, my neighbours 10 doors down can here whenever i put it on charge its ridiculous.. Anyone else done this already?
I've not done anything like that, but I did make the mistake of charging my H+ battery during church one Sunday... It finished during the sermon, and let out a very loud beep to tell the entire congregation my battery was ready.
I think i will just remove/replace it for something a little bit less alarming lol
Note that if you use a third party charger it needs to be able to be adjustable to charge to 4.4V per cell to attain the same charge level as the OEM charger. Use a multimeter to measure the cell voltages after charging on the OEM charger and you’ll see what I mean. If you charge on a third party charger on LiPo setting you will only see about 88% charge when first starting in the Yuneec Pilot app. If you use the LiHV setting it will be about 96%.
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