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Sorry but I really do not understand your math?? K.C.
It's correct. A full set of 6 blades is $79.90 + shipping. €19.90 is the cost of one blade.
It's also rare to break the blades, and normally you don't need more than one or two spare.
Otherwise, pilot and/or the drone have some problem
In any case, I confirm what I wrote yesterday: I would not risk my very expensive drone for a saving of $50!
Here is a good comparison:

Average price of a Cessna 172: $110,000

Price of a Cessna 172 Propeller: $5,000

Percent of prop cost versus airplane: 4.5%

Approximate cost of Typhoon H: $1,500

Price of 6 Props: $80

Percent of prop cost versus UAV: 5.3%

So, maybe with this logic the price could be lowered to 4.5% or so. That would be about $67. :)
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If you paid $1500 for a Typhoon H you were grossly overcharged (unless you bought it in 2016 when it was first released). When the Typhoon H was released a full set of spare props were $25 or about $4.166 each.
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If you paid $1500 for a Typhoon H you were grossly overcharged (unless you bought it in 2016 when it was first released). When the Typhoon H was released a full set of spare props were $25 or about $4.166 each.
What would you say then? ~$800?

4.5% of $800 would be $36.
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Justify it however you want… It’s still price gouging.
just click on skins link above! His price is 20---for a set of 6 GENUINE! props. I have purchased several parts from him. all good,straight forward,allways. He went out on a limb and is a great vendor,and he is doing it because he enjoys helping us YUNEEC Flyers out. I am sure he would not still be in business if he gave his parts away but the price on his original props is very cheap. I just went into his website to confirm this. KC
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just click on skins link above! His price is 20---for a set of 6 GENUINE! props. I have purchased several parts from him. all good,straight forward,allways. He went out on a limb and is a great vendor,and he is doing it because he enjoys helping us YUNEEC Flyers out. I am sure he would not still be in business if he gave his parts away but the price on his original props is very cheap. I just went into his website to confirm this. KC

I think you should check your facts a little bit more thoroughly.
just click on skins link above! His price is 20---for a set of 6 GENUINE! props. I have purchased several parts from him. all good,straight forward,allways. He went out on a limb and is a great vendor,and he is doing it because he enjoys helping us YUNEEC Flyers out. I am sure he would not still be in business if he gave his parts away but the price on his original props is very cheap. I just went into his website to confirm this. KC
You're wrong: try to buy a complete set of 6 blades and put it in the cart...
You're wrong: try to buy a complete set of 6 blades and put it in the cart...
I would callhim and ask what's up. Also let's hope he chimes in in this thread,as he keeps an open eye. Or send him a message here on the forum. Is he currently out of stock as that would be a different issue than price. I know on several sites I have tried to buy parts on the price is always cheaper when they are out of stock. Last set of blades I bought from him were in the 30. some dollar range KC
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The real ones will say "Typhoon H propellers".

This was exactly the advice I took when I went to eBay.. I got two complete sets of 6 props for 35 each set before shipping.. I consider that reasonable under the circumstances - and they ARE the genuine article.

Thanks for the advice.
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This was exactly the advice I took when I went to eBay.. I got to complete sets of 6 props for 35 each set before shipping.. I consider that reasonable under the circumstances - and they ARE the genuine article.

Thanks for the advice.
Were these one-offs or someone selling multiple? If you want to refer a seller, that'd be appreciated.
I’m curious about what is so bad about cheap props. Do they break? Is flight control negatively impacted? I’ve had some that seemed to work fine on my Q500 4K, but I don’t want to risk it if the props are problematic. Thanks
I’m curious about what is so bad about cheap props. Do they break? Is flight control negatively impacted? I’ve had some that seemed to work fine on my Q500 4K, but I don’t want to risk it if the props are problematic. Thanks

Yeah they apparently are known to break mid flight.

Check out this thread, it's very informative in general.

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There is a Finite Supply of OEM Typhoon H Props... They are Priced to Force Buyers to Buy only what they need... No other Venders sell them individually...
There is a Finite Supply of OEM Typhoon H Props... They are Priced to Force Buyers to Buy only what they need... No other Venders sell them individually...
I have to say, even though I really do not like buying props for $79 for a set + shipping, I actually really do appreciate knowing that buying from you, we’ll get the real deal and not some cheap substitute.

So frankly, thanks for that service. Appreciated.

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