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Oklahoma considers drone restrictions for hobbyist drone pilots

We'll some folks growing lotsa happyweed out there in them rural Oklahoma cow pastures and needs to be slipping some them green bucks for re-election. Why hows else do use think we get people votes to be done?

I'm a Sooner, this is really pure ignorance on be half of Senator Casey Murdock.
Glad I don't live there any more!
what about launching from the state line of texas, Arkansas, Missouri ,new mexico ,Colorado or kansas and fly into OK then land back where you launched from.
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"...government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem." - Ronaldus Maximus
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Since it is a privacy based thing, if I fly cameraless it can not be considered an invasion of privacy. How would that be treated?

The FAA controls the airspace not some stuffed shirt politician. I see the oil and gas companies will still be allowed to fly where they wish. Wonder which side of the bread gets buttered in this case.
That is the problem with every state, federal, and municipal drone ordinance passed. They are designed only to further restrict the rights of the public and specifically exempt government agencies. For those that haven’t noticed, the greatest proven threat to personal privacy comes from governments and powerful corporate entities.

Just to be clear, the people that will spy on you and track you with drones are all government sponsored in one way or another. I did that for a living and they are very, very good at it.
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