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No, wait... they were DJI? No way... are you sure?

Hard to believe that DJI hasn't updated their nannyware to restrict flight in those areas.
If they did then people would have to buy other brands.
Hard to believe that DJI hasn't updated their nannyware to restrict flight in those areas.
The reason is that these drones can be used professionally, so they can fly into historic areas or downtowns if the pilot has appropriate permissions.
The main accidents are caused by foreign people, tourists and so on that doesn't know flight rules.
As you know, many people buys and flights drones without knowing that their use is regulated.
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Oh no what a horrible incident. I really hope that 250g beast did not scratch anything. Seriously... Is that really worth a headline? Seems a little bit over dramatic to me. This little thing is neither a real danger to a person nor to any historic building. A similar headline would be: "Person stepped on lawn ignoring signs advising to stay on marked trails." The way the policeman is holding that drone is also exaggerating its size. It is only a mavic mini. If you have never seen one in reality be assured that it is tiny. Only about the size of a post card (a little bit shorter but also a little bit wider).

It is completely fine to ban persons from flying in those areas and to enforce those rules. But those headlines are causing harm to the drone community.
Oh no what a horrible incident. I really hope that 250g beast did not scratch anything. Seriously... Is that really worth a headline? Seems a little bit over dramatic to me. This little thing is neither a real danger to a person nor to any historic building. A similar headline would be: "Person stepped on lawn ignoring signs advising to stay on marked trails." The way the policeman is holding that drone is also exaggerating its size. It is only a mavic mini. If you have never seen one in reality be assured that it is tiny. Only about the size of a post card (a little bit shorter but also a little bit wider).

It is completely fine to ban persons from flying in those areas and to enforce those rules. But those headlines are causing harm to the drone community.

I agree, but it is kind of a slow news cycle... it's not like there was a pandemic or a war going on. :rolleyes:

"And coming up next, our exclusive report on 'Ho' behavior on Instagram... is it real?"

Off to Instagram, to see for myself...
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Oh no what a horrible incident. I really hope that 250g beast did not scratch anything. Seriously... Is that really worth a headline? Seems a little bit over dramatic to me. This little thing is neither a real danger to a person nor to any historic building. A similar headline would be: "Person stepped on lawn ignoring signs advising to stay on marked trails." The way the policeman is holding that drone is also exaggerating its size. It is only a mavic mini. If you have never seen one in reality be assured that it is tiny. Only about the size of a post card (a little bit shorter but also a little bit wider).

It is completely fine to ban persons from flying in those areas and to enforce those rules. But those headlines are causing harm to the drone community.
So its the headlines fault instead of the stupid non-compliant drone operator?
And don't tell me that little drone can do no damage, if it was at peak flight and died and fell from the sky in a high tourist area it would most likely injure a tourist, possibly a kid or infant.
Its out of control drone operators that do not follow the rules that will hurt the industry.
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So its the headlines fault instead of the stupid non-compliant drone operator?
I did not say that in any way. The drone operator was not flying in a responsible way and especially not according to regulations. Nevertheless the incident was so minor that I don't see any need for writing an article like that about it. It is just another article trying to point out how bad and dangerous drones are. Articles like that are misleading and cause the society to get a distracted view on our hobby. Here in Germany I noticed that many people have an entirely wrong view on drones. Many see them as a threat only made to invade their privacy and endanger their health because that's what some of our lower quality medias implied a while ago.

Once I was flying early in the morning in a public park. There were barely any people around. Only about 3 or 4 within line of sight. I was flying in the middle of an empty field about 80x200m in size trying out some settings and functions of a newly installed flight controller. Therefore I did not have a camera installed. Suddenly a woman came running towards me, waving her arms and screaming at me that she does not want to be filmed an she wants me to delete all recordings immediately. She was very aggressive and also a little bit insulting. I told her that I do not have a camera installed. But instead of accepting that she accused me of lying since she saw on TV that every drone has a camera. I explained that she is incorrect and that there are plenty of drones without camera and even if it had one she was most likely too far away to be identified in any way. She did not believe me and told me again I am liar and if I do not delete the recordings immediately she will call the police. So I landed and told her to show me the camera and if she does I will delete the recordings. In that moment she just turned around and left without a single word. Not even an apology for her aggressive and inappropriate behavior. From what she said her mistaken idea was obviously caused by the bad journalism regarding drones a while ago.
Stupid woman towards you. And stupid guy on special areas in the other post. There're many messages on few sites.
I think the real title of the post is the event with an anormal flight on population. It's a bad idea, the danger is there, no accident that day but a danger we can not accept.
So its the headlines fault instead of the stupid non-compliant drone operator?
And don't tell me that little drone can do no damage, if it was at peak flight and died and fell from the sky in a high tourist area it would most likely injure a tourist, possibly a kid or infant.
Its out of control drone operators that do not follow the rules that will hurt the industry.
A plastic drone hitting a 2 ft thick stone building is hardly going to cause any damage. And about your Fear Mongering there is still nobody being hit by drones falling from the sky. There is no safety issue, only a potential and percieved issue. In the U.S. there is still only one bad injury when almost 10 years ago a kid flew his drone at his sisters face and thats it, still no deaths, Im sure golf has caused some deaths in the last year, Knitting needles, Sure people probably die from knitting accidents. What about manned airflight, parachutes, ultra lights, hang gliding. There have been many deaths by these in the last year but for the last 20 years there have been No deaths from recreational drone flights and Zero from Hexicopters as well'.
I see all of the drone forums are being flooded with "The reason we have these laws is cause we need them for stupid people flying wreckless over our cities". and "Just do what the FAA tells you to do. and dont question it cause its for National Safety" What the heck is going on here, I guess the FAA is on a mission to scare us pilots too. Im sure before the remote ID laws go into effect, there might be a deliberate drone attack on somebody to cement the whole safety BS. (you may remove my BS if that is too strong of language).
Now military drones are out killing people everyday and News stations like to clump those together with Model RC Flying and thats "Fear Mongering". Now kids cant even fly a small airplane made of foam untill your 16 or something like that, 13 year old kids may fly with an adult to make sure they re not committing terrorism and endangering the public with those 10inch long foam airplanes. I cant believe theyre going to take out RC Model Airplanes too. that hobby has been around since the invention of batteries
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Now military drones are out killing people everyday and News stations like to clump those together with Model RC Flying and thats "Fear Mongering".
That's actually why our multirotor UAVs are called drones. In the early days they were not drones by any definition. Originally drones were either male bees or unarmed training targets. Even calling a MQ-1 Reaper a drone is (or at least was) inaccurate. But connecting harmless hobby aircraft to controversial military UAWs does make a great headline.

All those laws being introduced are just insane. I do not really now what exactly is going on across the great pond but at least in Germany I only know a few people who are at least trying to stick to laws and regulations. They have been changed so frequently over the last years that hardly anybody is able to keep track. Moreover several things went entirely wrong. In case of several laws and regulations you do notice that the people who created them did never had any experience with radio controlled aircraft nor did they talk to anyone who actually does.

As an example we are required to have a so called spotter when not flying LOS. If you ever tried out FPV flying you will have noticed that there is no way a person other than the pilot is able to take over control. You will notice that within 1 minute of flight. Nevertheless we are required to have a person without monitor or goggles sitting next to the pilot in order to take over whenever necessary. Absolutely useless. When I go out flying with friends we usually have a person not flying monitoring the sky and all the person flying are frequently checking the ground for any persons nearby and informing the others. That would have been a useful regulation which actually increases safety.

As a result of those laws made up by uninformed politicians most people are not caring about them anymore. They are broken on purpose because they are useless and do sometimes even interfere with safety.

Another interesting incident which just happened in Hamburg, Germany:

The article states that an art project with many drones coordinated to print patterns around the Elbphilharmonie was interrupted by foreign "high speed drones". The artists state that these drones collided with their drones and caused several to crash. Due to this new safety concern the other shows were cancelled.

Nevertheless a few days later another article was published:

This article on the other hand states that the police was so far unable to confirm that there were any foreign drones present. Witnesses said that the artists' drones collided midair and therefor crashed in to the river beyond. Furthermore there are lot of videos of the incident but none is showing any "high speed drones" flying by.

What I do not like about that incident is that every newspaper was reporting about the incident in the first place. But only the higher quality media like NDR and a few others are reporting about the fact that the presence of foreign drones has not even been proven so far.
"The drone has been seized and the tourist risks criminal prosecution." I don't think it was intentional. I think he wasn't aware of the restrictions. He shouldn't be prosecuted for this.
The reason is that these drones can be used professionally, so they can fly into historic areas or downtowns if the pilot has appropriate permissions.
The main accidents are caused by foreign people, tourists and so on that doesn't know flight rules.
As you know, many people buys and flights drones without knowing that their use is regulated.
Or how to fly them
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@Chris Koch
In those specific incidents, over both cities the flight is forbidden because they are into red areas for airport NFZ, and in addition, as explained in the article, In Italy the regulations for flying drones are more restrictive than in some other countries. To fly a drone in an urban or otherwise crowded area, you need a special license provided by the civil aviation authority, Enac, as well as authorization from the prefecture and the police.
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