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May 19, 2017
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The function "R.O.I" can be used in circuit programming in "DataPilotPlanner".
But one can, and it is very advantageous, to use a "R.O.I" in MANUAL flight to focus on a single objective to film or to photograph.
This is very simple.
Just enter "DataPilotPlanner", put a "R.O.I" on the objective to do, to set the altitude of the subject to film (caution altitude is relative to the Home altitude).
Do not forget to complete Mission Start anyway and do not check the speed because we will remain in manual control.
Once finished, send the mission to the H520.
Return to the flight screen where the slider appears at the bottom of the screen to start the mission.

Before starting the mission, lower the two switches "Tilt Mode" and "Pan Mode".
This will eventually be able to reassemble the aim on the "R.O.I".
These switches will be put back in the up position before the end of the mission to disconnect the camera sighting on the "R.O.I".


Dragging the Slider to the right
1) THE CAMERA points immediately towards the goal to reach (Precaution see *)
2) The engines start. Take off manually or with the automatic Take-off.

Now you can fly freely and the camera will stay fixed on the "R.O.I"

(*) The camera has an angle of + 30 ° to -90 °. It is obvious not to program a point of aim that will be too high compared to the H520 at takeoff because the camera points immediately to takeoff to this point. I think the cardan is not going to like it at all and that will disturb you during a good moment.
For that, I recommend to create the mission, to save it. Take off to get up at the hight to the "R.O.I". Send the mission to the H520 at this time and begin the flight.

Before posing the H520, return both "Tilt Mode" and "Pan Mode" switches to the up position to disconnect it from the "R.O.I" function.
Caution, stop the"R.O.I" if the point becomes too high compared to the camera.

Posing the H520 ends the mission.

From there, several manual missions "R.O.I." can be linked by doing several "R.O.I." independent.
We take care of "R.O.I." 1, in stationary one loads the mission "R.O.I." 2 we launch, the camera will get this point, we do what we have to do, etc ...

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Good job, buddy ?

Regarding the video, you already have a Google account, it's the same as Youtube. You can upload it to Youtube. If you want, I'll do it and post it, but I don't find it difficult. If you need me to do it or you need help, just tell me.

P.D.: I add it to the procedure thread.

P.D.: Sorry Claudius, I couldn't test anything. I'm still sick ?
I've seen the video and it works perfectly. Some small jumps but that's the configuration of the gimbal that is still robotic, however the test can be said to be a total success. Very good work mate ?
Thank you Arruntus, yes if you can add the video on the post, do it. I leave in two days and business to prepare.
The jerks, I was in radipe mode of flight, I will have to put me in slow or medium mode and I think the jerks must disappear.
That's what I could see in slow movements.
In the meantime, take care of yourself.
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I start now to upload it and I put it, it will cost a while that my connection in very slow, but without problem. Thank you for the effort that is all yours.
If you want, you can modify the post by putting the URL of the video, in 30 minutes it will be uploaded.

Today, I've finally been able to fly a little. I've done some tests with the manual ROI, it took me a while to get started because the procedure didn't work well for me.

I have slightly changed the procedure described by Clauidius62 to avoid problems with the camera and so that the mission can be loaded correctly as it has given me problems. The first thing is to add a waypoint, anywhere, and then the ROI. Once we take off and after reaching that waypoint the manual ROI starts working. That's all I've done.

With the last battery and half wasted until I get going. Of 10 minutes of test this is what I have taken in clean. Not bad. But we continue in the same, the optimization of the gimbal needs urgent work. It's something very simple, I hope you like it, there have been some nice shots.

P.D.: I didn't have any flat place to initialize the H520. If you look at the horizon it is crooked, but it is normal if we turn on the H520 in a place that is not horizontal, detail without importance for the test :rolleyes:???
Yes, good job Arruntus. I see that by flying slowly, tracking is less jerky.
The function works for me without putting a waypoint at first, but it does not matter much, the goal being to get there.
It becomes very, very interesting to be able to work in manual and manage angles.
Maybe I was wrong about the procedure, so I figured it out this way. This avoids problems with the camera because it takes off with the configuration of that Waypoint that can be right above the home, the thing is that it takes off without problems.

Once in the air, I was not allowed to activate missions of only 1 ROI, but with 1 Waypoint and 1 ROI without problems. I don't know, it was something strange and meaningless. I spent more than 10 minutes in the air with a battery until I solved it. Then I didn't have time to do a circular flight because the intention was to create a 3D model of the church. In the end using these images I extracted the frames from the video and I was able to do it, although with more work :rolleyes:?

At the beginning of the video I have left how the camera is by the ROI when it reaches the Waypoint, is not a failure, I have done it on purpose to see how it works, but now that I realize, I have not explained it........ :rolleyes:
Okey, first things first, a big thank you for both #claudius62 and #arruntus, what a great feature to be found despite we lived a moment in belief it might have been too much asked from these equipment. I managed to do some flying and had opportunity to test and results are satisfying. I got it working both ways but somehow I liked the arruntus™-way better. Maybe because it feels safer to get the H520 up in the sky far away from dangers and then start focusing on the ROI on free flight.
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As I just commented in another thread, for example to block the white balance also comes good, or change the configuration of the camera that is better to do it from a certain height to put the best parameters. But in the end the procedure is the same. Fly slowly so that the tremor that appears from time to time does not spoil the shot.

How nice it would be if you could make curves, tangential routes, to the waypoints to smooth the movement in the changes of direction. This would allow us, together with this function, to program routes and that the camera never loses the focus of the ROI. How nice it is to dream, come on Yuneec..........
How nice it would be if you could make curves, tangential routes, to the waypoints to smooth the movement in the changes of direction. This would allow us, together with this function, to program routes and that the camera never loses the focus of the ROI. How nice it is to dream, come on Yuneec..........
look at this video, how smooth when changing directions.
How nice it would be if you could make curves, tangential routes, to the waypoints to smooth the movement in the changes of direction. This would allow us, together with this function, to program routes and that the camera never loses the focus of the ROI. How nice it is to dream, come on Yuneec..........
look at this video, how smooth when changing directions.

Yes! The SD will fix the problems associated, with doing manual mapping, and easier to point match in geosetter.
Today for this manual flight function with ROI I think it would help a lot :)

It is also clear, when you put the camera in nadir, that the gimbal needs to be optimized a barbarity, that camera movement the amount of shots that leaves useless, the softness shines by its absence ?

Unfortunately for automated flights only Yuneec can solve it, if they can or want to. The usual, we need exp or curves and tangential waypoins or whatever you want to call it ?

P.S.: See if you dare and if someone tries the manual ROI can put some video. I think it's something very interesting :)
Manual mapping is without the total use of a planner or any apps. Manual mapping is you have to set an imaginary point at the center of your object or grid manually by flying over the job site in a pattern to cover the overlaps, while collecting data in video mode, and convert the footages into photos, then set a maker via telemetry in geosetter to each of the converted photos. (Cloud Marking. Converted video to jpeg does not contain metadata geolocation)

Let’s just say that your doing assessment management (and hypothetically you already mapped the job site during your initial flight) and you have three clients for the day, and they are located 30miles a part, and you don’t want to spend an excess amount of time, because you are also thinking about the optimal lighting condition, if it’s cloudy then you can take all the time in the world, but if it’s sunny, then you will want to take advantage of the sun at its highest.

Two months ago, I ran into a problem of mapping 312 acre on a proposed land by Lennar Development (Basically, whom I work for) and if I map per segments, it would take me a long time, and consume lots of batteries, and neglect small clients for asset management. (Word travels fast in the industry, and every job are on the calendar for a reason)

To combat the problem, I resorted to researching on how agricultural operators are conducting their operations, and the answer was right in front of me... And that is to take take mapping back to its earliest method. Set your GCPs for reference and fly over the site in video mode, and once your done, convert the footage to jpeg. And just recently, another operator in CommercialDrone Pilot open the Pandora’s box and has been guiding write a script. Manual Mapping

The Steady Device will aid to tackle one common problem that we operators face all the time, when flying multiple accounts or work site, and that is time management.
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