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How to downgrade Yuneec Typhoon H firmware ?

Sep 16, 2021
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anyone know how can I downgrade Yuneec Typhoon H firmware ?

The problem is that the Typhoon H's GPS status does not show as OK when the Typhoon H starts. I have waited 15 minutes and still it informs me that GPS acquiring. It shows that 12-15 satellites have found, same on the controller satellites, 12-15 satellites found.
GPS module battery have replaced and voltage of the battery is good (+3V).

So, now I have to test if earlier firmware will help to this problem.
I am aware that FC board replacement have been solve for some people, but I find out first if firmware downgrading will solve the problem.

So, anyone know where I will get the earlier firmware versions and how can I load those inside the Typhoon H ?
So, now I have to test if earlier firmware will help to this problem.
This will not cure the problem but you can use H GUI to reflash FC with any version. How to extract the file from the firmware package and how to use GUI to flash it is explained in the forum. Or just wait some time for good guys, who like to repeat the information after every new question from the next forum member.
I think what you looking for is that: http://h-elsner.mooo.com/pdf/RecoverMCU_en.pdf
With this procedure you can flash any FW forward and back to the MCU board, not only the recovery FW V1.28.

br HE
Thanks for your answer !
I downgraded the FC firmware from 1.35 to 1.28 and back to 1.35, but still same GPS acquiring problem.
After that I downgraded FC firmware from 1.35 to 1.29, but same problem continues.
After that back to 1.35, same problem.

Does anybody know, what I can try next or will I replace the Flight Controller next ?

I ask at the same time:
I saw that there is Typhoon H NFZ Tool manual on your website.
Do you have those tool installation file ?
I used it several years ago, but I did not found it anywhere at this moment.
I have to use it with my second drone, if I found it somewhere.
In "GPS_acquiring_problem.pdf" are some proposals what to do but with little hope for success. In most cases the MCU board has to be changed. What shows the acc Z-axis in the GUI?

NFZ tool is only for approved Yuneec dealer. I don't want to kill the business of Yuneecskins.

br HE
In "GPS_acquiring_problem.pdf" are some proposals what to do but with little hope for success. In most cases the MCU board has to be changed. What shows the acc Z-axis in the GUI?

NFZ tool is only for approved Yuneec dealer. I don't want to kill the business of Yuneecskins.

br HE
In the GUI the Z-axis made circle.
I replaced the FC board and now it founds satellites and works well.
So, the problem was faulty FC board.

In case of NFZ tool I understand that you can not give it, because the business.
I continue searching the tool from my archives ...
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In case of NFZ tool I understand that you can not give it, because the business.
I continue searching the tool from my archives ...
He answered in this way just to close the topic. The reality is a bit more complicated. The NFZ is a kind of protection for others as well as for yourself. If you have all the necessary papers, 100 bucks are not so big amount to have NFZ disabled. If you have nothing law related and just want to have a disabled drone, there is no friendship at all. You'll kill someone, the response will be asked of you and from the guy who helped to be a killer. If you found the solution alone this is your risk to use it. John from Skins decided to get some profit and to be a mediator between us and the law. No idea how this will finish, he knows...

To not say I'm so white and shining, let me ask too. Can someone, who bought from the YS an NFZ disabling for H+, share what he got from it? In absolutely private order and strictly for educational purposes.

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