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How To: Bind the Q500 to the ST-10

Hi, I need some help regarding binding my Q500 4K. I have followed the video as above but it stays in bind mode Flashing Blue. I can get to the flashing Yellow and bind
the transmitter successfully but the Q500 always comes back to flashing Blue. I am now lost. The camera binds ok and I get a picture on the transmitter and can also take videos
but the transmitter will not tilt the camera. I checked everything on the Q500 GUI program and everything checks out perfect. So I am now lost as to what I can do and
any help is much appreciated. Cheers, John
Do you see telemetry displayed on the ST10 such as battery voltage and satellite count?
Is the status light flashing slowly or rapidly. Once the Q is bound to the ST16 it will blink blue in Angle mode and green in Smart mode. Flip the mode switch and see if the light color changes.
Thank You for your response. There is no telemetry such as battery etc. It is blinking blue and will not change to Green it seems to be stuck in binding mode
blinking Blue I find it strange. Thanks
Steve, I don't know if it's important but I replaced a ESC with #4 motor but it checks out perfect in Q500 GUI.
@Satellite View, You mentioned the new ESC on Motor #4 checked out good in the Q500 GUI, but did not mention if you had done the motor assignment. Q500 will sometimes seem to hold a memory of the last good check, then show an error if you do do a motor assignment.

If that is not the problem, then you need to identify the exact point in the bind sequence that is failing. There is a detailed bind sequence review in post 22 of https://yuneecpilots.com/threads/typhoon-q500-connection-issue.14625/page-2#post-160673. If you work through it carefully, it may reveal the exact part of the sequence that is failing. It might be worth a try if nothing else is working.

It would also be helpful to know the recent history of the Q500. Anything between the last time it successfully bound, and now. Maybe whatever led to the ESC replacement, maybe something else?
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Hi, Your advice regarding the ESC assignment was correct and had to restart everything and then it came good, however I have fixed the
problem and pass this info on as it can easily happen to others. I took the top off again to investigate and check all wires and found the
problem it was a black wire snapped in half and happened when I pulled out the connection wires to plug in GUI and the Black wire
was shorter that the rest so it broke in have and soldered it back together and the quad is perfect binding no longer a problem so all good.
Thanks everyone for your help, appreciate it. regards, John

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