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How to access the real-time map on the ST16S?

Sep 24, 2019
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So, I have got an H3 and I am used to flying the H520, Parrot Anafi and various DJI drones. All of which have a real-time map showing me the drone's position when flying around. Generally over a Google Earth map, or at least just the line that shows me which way to go to get the drone home if I loose sight of it. but I can't find this on the H3 ST16S controller. The flight app is about the same as the H+ so how do you access it on that?

(I have this gnawing feeling now, that it isn't there. My mind is boggling at the safety concerns, the inability to create CCC / POI flights in the field, etc. I'm hoping it is a button somewhere that I have missed....)
Well do you want the good news or the bad news first? ;)

The bad news is that IF it is like the H Plus - there is no real time map.

The good news is, there is a chance that one of the 'upgrades' or 'additions' of the H3 over the Plus, is that such a feature may have been added, but this is one of those typical Yuneec mysteries. I look forward to hear what you find out.
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The Mantis had a map feature in the lower left corner that could be called up full screen and replace the video feed. It might be possible the H3 has something similar. Try tapping the radar screen to see if anything changes. 34276C2D-26E9-4065-93DE-BC7FFF33C610.jpeg

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Why can't you create a CCC or POI mission? That should be in the menu.
Also, I think you can install UAVToolbox on the controller. That app is the creation of @Tuna who is also in the UK. Go to UAVToolbox.com and send him a message. He may be able to help.
So, I have got an H3 and I am used to flying the H520, Parrot Anafi and various DJI drones. All of which have a real-time map showing me the drone's position when flying around.

It would be good if you would upload a screenshot of your H3 ST16S splash screen. Also a screenshot of your APPs screen. I'm curious how similar the H3 screens are to the HPlus screens.
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Doomeister: Thanks for that. I've tried tapping the radar screen but it does nothing. I can mention the Mantis feature though when I ask Yuneec UK about it.

This is the main screen on the controller:


The box in the lower left is the "professional histogram", that does the usual annoying thing of putting a white bar right up against the white border for washout - quite hard to see it in those conditions.

Here is the APPs screen:

Flightmode3.0 on the left.
I was pretty sure there would be no map on the H3. It is classed as a pro videography drone and the FlightMode app is similar in appearance to the H+.

I suggested trying the radar screen because of how the Mantis app functions. It could have easily been added to the H3 using cached maps since the ST16S does not have cellular service nor does it have dual band simultaneous WiFi.
Got this answer from Yuneec EU:

The indicator is based on the aircraft's internal magnetometer and accelerometer. This is designed to show the aircraft's pitch and distance from magnetic north. The operator can use this tool only as a supplementary support. Under no circumstances the H3 should fly beyond Visual Line of Sight.

About the map, it was designed for the H520 as it was needed for commercial use and on the Mantis model due to its size and difficulty keeping it in sight. This is why it was not implemented at that time for photography models.

Since the H+ and H3 models are between 3 and 4 years old, and they reached their technical capability, there are no scheduled software updates anymore.

Surprised at the last statement!
My H Plus is approaching 4 years old in a couple of months and I agree it is a shame to see that Yuneec is no longer seeking to improve these platforms. I am a firm believer that the H Plus/520/H3 variants of the Typhoon are still top of the Consumer drone market in so many ways and had Yuneec stayed on course with just a few tweaks and advancements (like real-time maps as per competition), these would be legendary drones.
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I do find Yuneec just weird as a company. Are they all hobbyists and technical geeks, who don't know about marketing and long-term business relationships with customers? Or is it that Management just move them on to the next project, not knowing that complex technical products need long-term support and regular design improvements? Do they just not have a system for collecting feedback from users for design improvements? They could easily have the best consumer and surveying drones on the market, especially considering the range of cameras available.
Are they too proud to admit their first design wasn't perfect (e.g. E30z camera - just needs some more software work)?!?

I still can't figure out their problem. China does have a horrendous class-system, much worse than Britain/US ever was. Management and professional engineers would never dream of listening to technicians or customer feedback. But then, you can get groups of technicians who can be really snooty as well, too insecure to admit mistakes or even accept that improvements to their 'baby' could exist. But DJI is also Chinese and far better at honing their products. (That's my failed attempt at socio-political analysis; I will stick to engineering!!).

Yuneec drones have a brilliant flight control system, but are otherwise unfinished products, not optimised for rigorous, efficient commercial use.

If DJI didn't have geo-fencing and didn't prevent you from flying without the latest Resource file, I think Yuneec would go bust very quickly!
I do find Yuneec just weird as a company. Are they all hobbyists and technical geeks, who don't know about marketing and long-term business relationships with customers? Or is it that Management just move them on to the next project, not knowing that complex technical products need long-term support and regular design improvements? Do they just not have a system for collecting feedback from users for design improvements? They could easily have the best consumer and surveying drones on the market, especially considering the range of cameras available.
Are they too proud to admit their first design wasn't perfect (e.g. E30z camera - just needs some more software work)?!?

I still can't figure out their problem. China does have a horrendous class-system, much worse than Britain/US ever was. Management and professional engineers would never dream of listening to technicians or customer feedback. But then, you can get groups of technicians who can be really snooty as well, too insecure to admit mistakes or even accept that improvements to their 'baby' could exist. But DJI is also Chinese and far better at honing their products. (That's my failed attempt at socio-political analysis; I will stick to engineering!!).

Yuneec drones have a brilliant flight control system, but are otherwise unfinished products, not optimised for rigorous, efficient commercial use.

If DJI didn't have geo-fencing and didn't prevent you from flying without the latest Resource file, I think Yuneec would go bust very quickly!
Around here that is beating a dead horse. ;) For years, Yuneec had great customer support and they were constantly improving their product, but that began to dry up right about the time the Plus came out. When it comes to the other guys vs Yuneec, I have my opinions of course and while DJI make some fine products, they are not without the same problems. The recent launch of the Mavic 3 is a great example - three months in and guys are still waiting for fixes to numerous problems, not to mention the nanny ware is a never ending debacle for some.

I have to agree with the word "unfinished" as that is the word I would use to describe a drone like the H Plus - a fantastic platform, camera and flight control, with a controller years ahead of it's time, but unfinished. Still, once one adapts and understands its shortcomings it is still pretty good.

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