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Controller vc Flight Range

Oct 23, 2019
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Hi there,

I'm new here so, sorry this beginner rider topic.

I bought a 4k yuneec breeze and I don't have a PV controller. I read about it and this guy connects via bluetooth instead of wifi.

On my last flights, I had a lot of problems with wifi drops. I go up about 130 feet and the wifi connection just drops.

I think with the PV controller the flight range is better because the bluetooth connection. Am I right to think that?

I really appreciate your attention.

Best regards!
Welcome to the Forum. I'm sure someone will help you with this issue. I'm moving your post to the Breeze discussion page which will help people find it.
I recommend disabling the mobile data (LTE) if the device has cellular function. When I first started flying Breezes, I did not do this and noticed the range wasn’t as good. When I disabled mobile data the range was much better. Bluetooth is only used as a communication between the device being used to fly the Breeze and the controller. Wifi is used to connect to the Breeze. I like the controller because it makes it more like playing a video game because the controller is designed like an Xbox controller.
In addition to the advice from @Cmendemen I would say to fly in an area that you don’t connect to WiFi hotspots ( like near your home) especially with an Android device. They will drop the Breeze when the signal gets weak in favor of a better signal that has an internet connection. iOS devices will do the same just not as frequently.
Tks for everyone! If anyone else has other tricks, I'd really like to read them all.
Because my range is very poor. About 130ft like I said... it's very sad ?
I met a guy on the beach, and he was flying a DJI Mavic. I was shocked by the performance. It's really incredible! The agility, speed, range, control .. really amazing.
Regarding better range, have a look at the range extender thread here Breeze Range Extender. Although using an extra device is somewhat cumbersome, it is doable and not expensive. I get realistic operating ranges of 200 to 300 meters in open areas, with occasional stutter in the video feed, and that is about as far out as I could legally fly in my country.
Regarding better range, have a look at the range extender thread here Breeze Range Extender. Although using an extra device is somewhat cumbersome, it is doable and not expensive. I get realistic operating ranges of 200 to 300 meters in open areas, with occasional stutter in the video feed, and that is about as far out as I could legally fly in my country.

Tks! I'll take a look!
Tks for everyone! If anyone else has other tricks, I'd really like to read them all.
Because my range is very poor. About 130ft like I said... it's very sad ?
I met a guy on the beach, and he was flying a DJI Mavic. I was shocked by the performance. It's really incredible! The agility, speed, range, control .. really amazing.
The Mavic uses Radio Control not WiFi like the Breeze. That makes a huge difference in range. The other thing is that I checked your IP and see you are located in Brazil. The power output of your cell phone is controlled by the cellular network so it may be limiting your effective distance.
The Mavic uses Radio Control not WiFi like the Breeze. That makes a huge difference in range. The other thing is that I checked your IP and see you are located in Brazil. The power output of your cell phone is controlled by the cellular network so it may be limiting your effective distance.
Hi! Yes, I know about the best performance of radio frequency.
I'm from Brazil, in did. But I can,'t understood what you say about the power output ?
Can you give us more details about this?
Tks a lot!
Different countries allow different maximum power levels for communications including WiFi which is used to control the Breeze. Cell phones can change those settings from information received from the current cell tower they are using. In the US the 802.11ac max power allowed is 1000mW, but in the EU it is much lower. I am not sure what the limits are in Brazil. Just saying that it could be lower than in the US.
Different countries allow different maximum power levels for communications including WiFi which is used to control the Breeze. Cell phones can change those settings from information received from the current cell tower they are using. In the US the 802.11ac max power allowed is 1000mW, but in the EU it is much lower. I am not sure what the limits are in Brazil. Just saying that it could be lower than in the US.
Ok, now I understood.. I'll take a look about this information.
Tks so much!
Hi there,

I'm new here so, sorry this beginner rider topic.

I bought a 4k yuneec breeze and I don't have a PV controller. I read about it and this guy connects via bluetooth instead of wifi.

On my last flights, I had a lot of problems with wifi drops. I go up about 130 feet and the wifi connection just drops.

I think with the PV controller the flight range is better because the bluetooth connection. Am I right to think that?

I really appreciate your attention.

Best regards!
Bom dia.
Sou de Belo Horizonte e tenho um Breeze.
Tenho o controle, mas meu drone não conecta wi-fi, está com problemas.
A distância máxima será 100 metros e altura 80m.
Você é de qual cidade?

Google Translate:
Good Morning.
I'm from Belo Horizonte and I have a Breeze.
I have the control, but my drone does not connect wifi, is having problems.
The maximum distance will be 100 meters and height 80m.
You are from which city?
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Bom dia, Sou de Taubaté. Pois e.. tenho perdido o sinal com cerca de 39-40m de altura.

Google Translate:
Good morning, I'm from Taubate. Yeah ... I have lost the signal about 39-40m high.
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No app, em drone settings, a penúltima opção, antes da calibração do drone, é geo fence, onde tem limitador de altura e distância. Veja se consegue alterar estes valores, colocando em 80m altura e 100m a distância.

Google Translate:
In the app, in drone settings, the penultimate option, before the drone calibration, is geo fence, where it has height and distance limiter. See if you can change these values by setting 80m height and 100m distance.
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No aplicativo Breeze cam

Google Translate:
In-app Breeze cam
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Ah sim, isso eu já fiz. O problema é que a wi-fi cai do nada em alturas tipo 50m. Eu tava num sitio, no meio do nada e aconteceu isso. Ele sobe, de repente perde o sinal e fico esperando ele voltar sozinho, com um voo completamente cego. E como é recorrente resolvi investigar aqui pelo fórum.

Google Translate:
Oh yes, that I already did. The problem is that the wifi falls out of nowhere at heights like 50m. I was in a place in the middle of nowhere and that happened. He rises, suddenly loses the signal and I wait for him to come back alone, with a completely blind flight. And as it is recurrent I decided to investigate here by the forum.
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