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Breeze Cam IOS version crashing on use.

Jul 22, 2018
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Breeze Cam on my iPhone 7 started crashing recently. I reloaded the AP reset my iPhone. Sometimes just after it's open, it crashes and closes. Other times it lets me start to set parameters of flight etc. but when I get to the camera is says Breeze not connected to wifi? But if I go to Settings, it shows it IS hooked to wifi? Is there something I'm missing? I think my iPOD might work, as it seems to hook up okay, I didn't get outside to try it out yet, but it's not crashing like the iPhone AP is? I just upgraded to latest OS but that didn't help.
I can get it hooked to wifi, and it even shows a picture coming from camera, then a second or two later, the AP closes? Can't fly again until I get this solved. It's in the AP ... I have 3 4K's and it's not them! Now it's pretty much just opening, for about 2 seconds and then closing itself??
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It seems that iOS 14.x has broken Breeze Cam. I had this issue myself recently and after deleting and reinstalling it quit crashing and allowed me to connect to the Breeze and start the app. After reading your post I opened Breeze Cam again and it was right back to crashing. I uninstalled the app again and reinstalled and it is not crashing on opening. This is not a good sign for Breeze owners and hopefully the next update of iOS will nullify this problem. I know earlier versions of iOS 14 were still compatible with most Breeze functions.
Thanks, Then it's not just me or my phone. I did notice after more experimentation, I don't even need to connect to the Breeze. Just open the AP and it closes within 2 seconds. I've deleted and downloaded it numerous times, to no avail. Seems like more should be experiencing this problem? or there aren't that many Breeze flyers anymore? At least my iPod still works as it's at ios9 something. Just another thing to make sure I have along with me when I do want to go flying. Thanks again! I guess I could try a cheepee throwaway android type phone if that version is still stable?
I have an iPhone 5S with iOS 10.3.3 and I just opened Breeze Cam and it crashed after a couple of seconds. This has to be a date related problem with Breeze Cam. We are probably SOL on this one as they are not likely to fix this issue. This will top my disgust with Yuneec’s non existent Customer Support for legacy products. All of their legacy downloads have disappeared and all they care about are big buck commercial systems.
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IOS 10.3.3? Then it would do no good to "downgrade" my phone even it's it's possible. Planned obsolescence? I really like the handling/control but might have to start looking around for another model.
I sent a message to Yuneec, but have my doubts about getting a response from them. Previous messages to that web contact have been fruitless. Time will tell. Time bomb software is not cool.
I got a response from Yuneec that they are looking into the problem with the iOS version of Breeze Cam. They stated it may take awhile to address. I am pleasantly surprised at getting a response to this.
Breeze Cam on my iPhone 7 started crashing recently. I reloaded the AP reset my iPhone. Sometimes just after it's open, it crashes and closes. Other times it lets me start to set parameters of flight etc. but when I get to the camera is says Breeze not connected to wifi? But if I go to Settings, it shows it IS hooked to wifi? Is there something I'm missing? I think my iPOD might work, as it seems to hook up okay, I didn't get outside to try it out yet, but it's not crashing like the iPhone AP is? I just upgraded to latest OS but that didn't help.
I can get it hooked to wifi, and it even shows a picture coming from camera, then a second or two later, the AP closes? Can't fly again until I get this solved. It's in the AP ... I have 3 4K's and it's not them! Now it's pretty much just opening, for about 2 seconds and then closing itself??
Do you think by using the yuneec controller might remedy the problem?
The app crashes before you can get to the part where the Bluetooth controller connects.
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I had written to yuneec that their iphone app requires to be updated. Their reply:-
“Dear Sachin. Thanks for your inquiry. Unfortunately, these products have been discontinued and now End of Life. Please contact our authorized resellers in the US about current solutions”.
Wanted to know if the controller can continue to be used effectively if the app crashes...
No! The controller is a Bluetooth device that connects through the Breeze Cam app. The app sends all controls and receives video and telemetry via WiFi. The controller just replaces using the virtual sticks of the app when using the Controller task mode of flight.
No! The controller is a Bluetooth device that connects through the Breeze Cam app. The app sends all controls and receives video and telemetry via WiFi. The controller just replaces using the virtual sticks of the app when using the Controller task mode of flight.
Thanks. Thought so.
Received reply from yuneec dev team informing that new version of app is available IMG_7838.jpg
That version was released 3 years ago and no new release on the US App Store.
I just checked my email and got the same message about a version dated Apr 19, 2021. Guess I’ll have to wait for it to be posted in the App Store. Maybe those in the EU can check availability there.
It has nothing to do with the iso version. I have run the app on my iPad 2, my iPod 5, and my iPad Pro. I have never updated anything on the iPad 2 or the iPod. The environment was never changed for those devices since it last ran. Therefore, it must be in the app itself. It crashed on every thing; even my android phone. It‘s like it has an expiration date. The only way I could make it work was with a hacked android breeze app. But I want it to work on my iPad. Yuneec doesn’t appear to be worried about their customers as the problem has existed for some time. I hope the pros are taking notice and their business elseware. I don’t like law suits but it seems class action suits are the only way companies will stop this bs. Fix the #@$#*# app, Yuneec!!!

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