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Back to a damper question

So the dampeners on there should be all replaced with the taller ones instead? Both came in packets that say yuneec on them.
I would use all 4 3-rib. Using only 2 might not give you the clearance, and the 2 different damper designs would be fighting each other.

Yes @Eagle's Eye Video, this is a very confusing issue for sure, in all honestly I really do not know what damper was originally designed for what gimbal, and it seems like even Yuneec doesn't know what dampers they designed for what anymore, or even that the wrong dampers can cause a short. Regardless of part numbers and stated application, the reality is this is a very bad condition to be flying an aircraft with.

All I know is my own experience and what I can see with my own eyes. When you look at the gimbal with ball dampers installed, the wires are in direct contact with the upper metal plate -actually rubbing on it. I could clearly see chaffing was occurring, but my insulation hadn't worn thru -YET. When the 3-rib dampers are installed there is room for the wires and they do not rub. At this point it becomes a no-brainer decision to use the 3-rib dampers regardless of what Yuneec, Carolina Drones, and Vertigo say or think.

The only way to see this is problem area is to take the gimbal off and remove the gimbal guard. I have tried to take photos of the issue so I could post a warning, but it is too challenging for the focus and exposure to capture the detail in the middle of the cramped gap.

@Steve Carr is my witness. We were both online when the post appeared and we both replied and wondered if it was true, even discussed it in a PM, however I cannot remember for the life of me the title of the post or the OP's name. Maybe Steve can?
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I do recall that post. I agree. Use the 3 lobe dampers. Also add some type of additional retainer. I started using a double layer of dental floss through the damper holes to limit the drop in hard stops or hard landings. If the dampers release from hard braking or crash, the wires will be ripped out of the slip ring.
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I did manage to capture an image that sort of shows the problem area. This was taken while stretching the gimbal plates as far as they would go for the shot. When relaxed the gap is less than a 1/4". The metal plate still has the marks from where the wires were rubbing on it.

Gimbal wires.jpg
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You don' t have to use Yuneec dampeners specifically. As long as you use ones that are the correct length so the wires won't rub, you should be good. These kinds of shock absorbers (that's what they really are) have been used in RC hobbies for years. Most any hobby shop should be able to spec out replacements that are as good as or better than the Yuneec ones.
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I have three red ones that are bulbed and look similar to the ones on there. For the life of me I can't remember when or where I got them or why. It's supposed to rain all day today so Carole will try to make a few changes that you have all talked about so I made an appointment to see a shrink because Carole told me that in my sleep I kept mumbling something about bulbs, longer somethings and she thought I was talking about penile ____I'll stop now.
Although obtaining dampers from a local hobby shop is a great idea you’ll be hard pressed to find a hobby shop that carries dampers with grommet ring diameters that will fit the mounting holes correctly. Yuneec uses dampers with a grommet ring dimension that is a couple millimeters smaller than the most common dampers. I don’t recall the exact size but I do recall being unable to find correct grommet dimension dampers at any of the DIY multirotor or gimbal parts and kit distributers.

If you had problems installing stock dimension dampers you’d have a devil of a time with larger ring diameter dampers.

All the CGO-3 and 3+ dampers posses the correct grommet diameter so they will all fit. The only issue is length and tension. If you have Yuneec dampers long enough to avoid constant rubbing of wires they will work for holding the gimbal, the only question is whether they provide the tension necessary to dampen/isolate vibration. If you use the safety pins at two corners or your own preferred method of secondary security the camera can’t fall off in flight. Neither the pins or other safety measures are designed to prevent separation during a crash, they are present only to assure gimbal retention during normal flight.

If you have dampers that fit the holes but look different from what came with the kit it won’t hurt anything to give them a try. If the wires don’t constantly rub and they effectively dampen vibration you’re good to go. You’ll have to fly the camera to determine if vibration isolation is effective. Yuneec stocks dampers for the CGO-3, CGO-3+, ET, E-90, E-50, and two different types for the CGO-4 and my experiences indicate the people pulling the parts for orders can be just as confused in determining which is which as we are. You’ll likely encounter parts identification confusion even when speaking direct with Yuneec’s direct sales department. To me that indicates Yuneec’s parts catalog may not provide adequate the level of parts association clarity it should have.

If what you get fit and function correctly, use what ya got. If they changed suppliers the new maker might provide dampers having a different appearance, there’s no way for us to know. If you end up with vibration, try a different one. That’s not the way it should be but I really doubt Yuneec is going to straighten that out any time soon.
You should have been a rocket scientist! I'm so confused now I'm reticent about even cranking up the rc.
Hold it!
I have 2 CGO3+ cameras, both have single bulb dampers. At least one of the cameras came that way from the factory in 2016. Are you saying that these factory stock dampers should be replaced with the 3-bulb dampers being sold for the older CGO3 gimbal? What effect with that have on camera stability (jello, etc.)?
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Hold it!
I have 2 CGO3+ cameras, both have single bulb dampers. At least one of the cameras came that way from the factory in 2016. Are you saying that these factory stock dampers should be replaced with the 3-bulb dampers being sold for the older CGO3 gimbal? What effect with that have on camera stability (jello, etc.)?
If it's OK why would you want to change the dampers?
You can get most parts from Yuneec
Just give them a call
the Gimbal mount looks like this
from Carolina Drones
Yuneec Mount Set CG03 ONLY
They say it is sold out, but I have a brand new never open set if you are interested.
I also crashed my Typhoon H a couple of weeks ago and probably can sell any of the remains.
No Camera though, its toast !

View attachment 16195
That isn't for the CGO3+


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What is the difference in parts?

Vertigo Drones YUNCGO3P105
1PC of damping Plate
4pc of rubber dampers
2 pc of anti off matts

Carolina Drones

Mt Set cgo3

Yuneec set me when I had problems with my first Typhoon H
1 pc black color top
and bottom mount plate
plus 4 pc gimbal mount dampers
the bag was never opened by me and has only ONE plate and NO pins

Not disagreeing....just trying to understand part numbers!
YUNCGO3P102 are rubber dampers for the CGO3+ (Your package was mislabeled. That part number is for a camera gimbal board.)

YUNCGO3P101 and YUNCGO3P105 are the same part.
It's the top gimbal plate slide mount including dampers.
Mount Set: Yuneec Typhoon H CGO3+
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What is the difference in parts?

Vertigo Drones YUNCGO3P105
1PC of damping Plate
4pc of rubber dampers
2 pc of anti off matts

Carolina Drones

Mt Set cgo3

Yuneec set me when I had problems with my first Typhoon H
1 pc black color top
and bottom mount plate
plus 4 pc gimbal mount dampers
the bag was never opened by me and has only ONE plate and NO pins

Not disagreeing....just trying to understand part numbers!
I think they were throwing people by saying "Not for cgo3+" on the page also.
It's the top gimbal plate slide mount including dampers.
Mount Set: Yuneec Typhoon H CGO3+
Here we go again with damper confusion. At least once a month this issue comes up, and only a very few of us are aware of the problem associated with using these dampers. Even Yuneec seems unaware of the hazard of using this specific damper on the CGO3+.

This kit above comes with the short ball shaped dampers. Despite the fact that many CGO3+ gimbals came with these dampers, this does not make them the correct damper to use in this application. These will work in the CGO2 & CGO3 gimbals, but are too short for the 360° CGO3+ gimbal and could cause the slipring wires to rub on the upper metal gimbal plate and cause a short. This can result in a system shutdown mid flight and a fall from the sky. A member here reported just such an incident, and that prompted me to inspect mine. Sure enough, my wires were rubbing but I caught it before the insulation had completely rubbed off. I urge anyone with a CGO3+ to use ONLY the taller 3-rib/bellows style. These provides enough room for the slipring wires to breath and will never rub. The photos below were taken with the gimbal plates pulled apart as far as possible and have red arrows indicating where the wires exit the slipring and where they WILL rub on the top metal gimbal plate if you use the short round style dampers.

The only problem is making sure you are getting the right dampers because this part number issue goes all the back to Yuneec, and most suppliers have no idea this is a problem. The responsibility for acquiring the proper dampers rests on the consumer, and this has become a challenge. Do NOT rely on a part number or the package description, rather do a diligent search and make sure the dampers you buy for the CGO3+ look like these below, even though the say they are for the Q500, these are the ones you should be using if you want to avoid the potential shorting problem.

You have been warned!
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That's interesting. My month-old H has the ball gimbals. Anyone have success getting Yuneec to send the right parts, or am I gonna have to eat the cost?

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