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Photos not showing

May 6, 2019
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A bout a month or so ago I noticed I couldn't get pictures and videos to open, only what looks like a card being torn. Even when I click on it, nothing works to open the file.
Hopefully this link will show what I see. Apparently I'm not as cellularly aware or informed as I thought.

Any suggestions as to maybe a setting I have changed, or how I may be able to correct this situation?
One of my favorite things is seeing the views from others point of view. You guys seem to be a wealth of information on almost all questions asked here.
Thanks in advance for any help.
What UAS, what camera, what settings currently in use?

Since this is posted in “Off Topic” rather than in a specific model forum, is the question about a drone or is it about digital imaging in general?

More info could be helpful.
Sorry, it's only on my cell phone. A Moto z2 play, and only on this forum, hence the lack of drone info.
It's normal, the Moto Z2 Play has a screen resolution of 1920 x 1080 and the photo of Fred (aka Scott!) Is 3246 x 2109.
So she will have a hard time getting back on the screen.
Changes of Moto, take one with a bigger displacement ...........
Well, that sux. Shame because they all used to show now almost none do. But thanks for the info Claudius
It should be scaled down to see in the post, and display the larger file only if you click on it for full screen. That’s a forum setup on the admin side...keeps big pictures from resizing your browser or messing up the thread, and also makes it so you don’t need to export/post a smaller image.

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