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No Fly Zone for End Users

I have instaled the firmware NFZ that i have request to Yuneec and everything is ok with the quad.

Thanks Frederic,
So, you installed a firmware that Yuneec sent you and NOT the firmware that exists on this thread, a few posts back, right?
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Yes i have installed the firmware from yuneec and not the firmware from the forum.
I want to try this firmware on the forum but, im afraid to try and to brick my quad.
First i ask yuneec and the answer was positif for me.
I think the problem is because you living in the USA, more security.
To install the firmware, just download the GUI from Yuneec website and latest USB file then plug in the drone to laptop and install the software with the utility. Took me 5 minutes. You do need to call local airport and they can deny the request. I've heard of drone operators like DJI Phantom owners being told by ATC at Lindberg field in San Diego not to fly the drone. Just use common sense and avoid the flight path of jets.

Hi, do you mind sharing the firmware? I too had problems getting a lot of No Fly Zone restrictions here in SoCal.
Hi to all. Thanks for having this forum to help us new in the world of drones. I recentely acquired a Q500 4K and to my surprise I live in the limits of a NFZ. Will uploading the firmware with the file included in this thread to the drone solve the problem? I thought that the problem was with the gps signal to the trasmitter. I have the ST10+ I disabled the GPS on the drone but the transmitter keeps indicating the I am in a no fly zone. Thanks in advance for your advise.
From the two lists that were leaked that I saw, the NFZ for the Yuneec firmware is only Major National and International airports and DOD airfields world wide. Regional airports, helipads and farmer runways were not on the list.

It as also been confirmed by several owners that it's a 3 mile radius, not 5 (FAA Reg-U-Lations say it has to be 5).

Suck it up buttercups, you should not be flying around large airports anyways, and be mindful or Helipads, around Hospitals - they get to ignore that 500' minimum altitude.

Likewise ours is a 400' ceiling AGL.

Never mind that you would be surprised if you dug into your own local city municipal code and find out how many have bans against RC aircraft flying - from a long time ago.

I live in the Denver Metro area, and of the 50 odd individual cities that make up the urban area, I have found 2, count them 2 that do not have bans against RC flying aircraft in their city parks - granted I only checked the 15 in my immediate vicinity because I wanted someplace close to go flying Legally.

These are not new city laws, these have been on the books for decades. So before you go slamming Yuneec for the NFZ firmware, you might just want to take a look at where local laws say you can and can not operate a RC aircraft.

Don't Fly Stupid!
From the two lists that were leaked that I saw, the NFZ for the Yuneec firmware is only Major National and International airports and DOD airfields world wide. Regional airports, helipads and farmer runways were not on the list.

It as also been confirmed by several owners that it's a 3 mile radius, not 5 (FAA Reg-U-Lations say it has to be 5).

Suck it up buttercups, you should not be flying around large airports anyways, and be mindful or Helipads, around Hospitals - they get to ignore that 500' minimum altitude.

Likewise ours is a 400' ceiling AGL.

Never mind that you would be surprised if you dug into your own local city municipal code and find out how many have bans against RC aircraft flying - from a long time ago.

I live in the Denver Metro area, and of the 50 odd individual cities that make up the urban area, I have found 2, count them 2 that do not have bans against RC flying aircraft in their city parks - granted I only checked the 15 in my immediate vicinity because I wanted someplace close to go flying Legally.

These are not new city laws, these have been on the books for decades. So before you go slamming Yuneec for the NFZ firmware, you might just want to take a look at where local laws say you can and can not operate a RC aircraft.

Don't Fly Stupid!
... SUCK IT UP????? I just spent dern near 2 grand for a paperweight!!! Yuneec needs to make the NFZ garbage clear BEFORE people spend their money... I wish I had bought a DJI unit.
Major International and National airports, and Military bases only. Regional, Helipads, and Farmer runways are not on the Yuneec firmware that anyone has found.
I'm not so sure about the "military bases" part of that. My house is under the pattern of a Naval Air Station, and I have no problems with my Typhoon H starting up or flying in my yard...

Before you get testy with me, I'm a DoD ATC Systems Engineer. I know the ATC folks on that base and have discussed it with the FWS (facility watch supervisors). They don't care where in their airspace I fly as long as I stay away from arrival/departure corridors. Other than the corridors, they want a phone call if I plan to exceed 200' under the actual pattern. Away from the pattern, they don't care: 400' is fair game. They also know my cell phone number in case something comes up.

Just to be safe, I always advise if I plan to exceed 200', as any Medivac helicopters (State Police birds) coming into the area will be talking to the NAS tower and would want to know. I also keep a scanner with me when I fly, and if I hear a Medivac call anywhere near me, I'm on the ground immediately and stay there until the helo is far away. Only happened once, so far. Tower appreciated that I'd already landed before they called to advise me.

They know me. They have no problem with me.
This is an interesting thread, I am guessing most of the people stating they should have the RIGHT to decide instead of Yuneec are in the US?
Unfortunately experience has shown that these decisions cannot be left in the hands of the end user.
Geo fencing is a brilliant idea, imagine if we could geo fence hand guns so they only operate in licensed hunting areas and ranges. No more high school murders carried out by the weapons end user who chooses to do it. No more armed robberies etc..
I have no issue with fencing at all, the only reason to want to remove it is because you want to abuse the regulations. Otherwise why are you moaning about this?
If you want really heavy built in restrictions go DJI.....
This is a touchy and at the same time a tough topic. At all times everyone needs to fly safely and always be aware of their surroundings. As sticks mentioned many of the these regulations on flying remote controlled planes/copters, drones etc have been on the books for some time, as LuvMyTJ said..... It is the future unfortunately. I have looked at many of the apps and resources, that show where we can fly and at times one shows a larger NFZ than another, hopefully some tech person out there is working on one that is always accurate.

There is no way that everyone that is out flying a UAV will be happy with the rules and regs.. Frustrating as it is remember this is a new environment for drone pilots and there will be new and revised laws governing where one can fly and film.

Z3roz mentioned a couple of points.. 1st........( but we all can't get FAA 333 exemptions to be able to get the necessary firmware to remove the no fly zone restriction.)

Most people that are of age and have the proper requirements can take the FAA part 107 test,

2nd.....(If someone buys a Yuneec product and then does something stupid with it, LE isn't going to go after Yuneec, they are going to prosecute the end user.)

When it comes to law suits the attorneys always go for the deeper pockets,so John Doe does something stupid with his drone, you bet the attorneys are going to not only look at the pilot but the manufacture to see if they could be held accountable as well.

My business partner was just down in south Florida on vacation and we have have the original 333 as well as both have the new part 107, and he said it was frustrating being in so many NFZ, and that included when the president was just there. he just wanted some beach photos for himself, no commercial work so he drove until he found and area, so I can understand why many people that live in areas such as this are frustrated with trying to fly.

I don't think we should blame any drone manufacture, remember they have a lot at stake and I would think that they also are wanting us to be able to fly in as many locations as we can, that will drive business and of course grow their bottom line.

We are most certainly a country with a ton of laws on the books and I think for the most part most are good ,but we have a lot of politicians that want to be known for getting a new bill passed regardless of how stupid and crazy it is. And WOW do we have some stupid ones on the books now........

As this industry grows lets hope there can be some happy medium for all concerned., Stupid non caring selfish etc. individuals will fly when and where they want regardless of any rules and that of course will bring attention to us good pilots.

So fly safe have fun and keep posting for all to learn
As a proponent of individual liberty I totally get this subject and being able to do what you want. I really am quite of the same opinion.

But from the perspective of a real world pilot I do truly get the urgency to control the drone situation from people that don't know what is appropriate.

The other day we had a commercial drone mission that sits 2.6nm north of an airport. That mission would require us to fly at 300' and at that location it would have put us under the downwind to base leg of the pattern for runway 13. To be fair that would have been a less likely wide/low flight pattern but nonetheless we could have been within 200' of an arriving aircraft were they to fly the pattern low and wide. We called the airport operator, we called flight service and filed a NOTAM (notice to airmen) providing exact latitude and longitude of the location and radial distance off the closest VOR and then we maintained transceiver communication with any arriving aircraft on Unicom, and aborted any operation if anyone entered the pattern.

We were in and out in about 40m. For those reasons exactly are the kinds of things one needs to understand how to do on the Part 107 test.

Without that kind of stuff, I'm guessing some individuals might not have understood what was needed to accomplish flight at that location with safety, and thus they just restrict it.

Just a couple of thoughts
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This is an interesting thread, I am guessing most of the people stating they should have the RIGHT to decide instead of Yuneec are in the US?
Unfortunately experience has shown that these decisions cannot be left in the hands of the end user.
Geo fencing is a brilliant idea, imagine if we could geo fence hand guns so they only operate in licensed hunting areas and ranges. No more high school murders carried out by the weapons end user who chooses to do it. No more armed robberies etc..
I have no issue with fencing at all, the only reason to want to remove it is because you want to abuse the regulations. Otherwise why are you moaning about this?
If you want really heavy built in restrictions go DJI.....

Geofencing on guns? Then someone would just use a baseball bat instead. It's people that kill people not guns. Just sayin
As a proponent of individual liberty I totally get this subject and being able to do what you want. I really am quite of the same opinion.

But from the perspective of a real world pilot I do truly get the urgency to control the drone situation from people that don't know what is appropriate.

The other day we had a commercial drone mission that sits 2.6nm north of an airport. That mission would require us to fly at 300' and at that location it would have put us under the downwind to base leg of the pattern for runway 13. To be fair that would have been a less likely wide/low flight pattern but nonetheless we could have been within 200' of an arriving aircraft were they to fly the pattern low and wide. We called the airport operator, we called flight service and filed a NOTAM (notice to airmen) providing exact latitude and longitude of the location and radial distance off the closest VOR and then we maintained transceiver communication with any arriving aircraft on Unicom, and aborted any operation if anyone entered the pattern.

We were in and out in about 40m. For those reasons exactly are the kinds of things one needs to understand how to do on the Part 107 test.

Without that kind of stuff, I'm guessing some individuals might not have understood what was needed to accomplish flight at that location with safety, and thus they just restrict it.

Just a couple of thoughts
I agree. I was of the opinion that the FAA was going way beyond what is necessary as most governmental organizations do. However, after studying for my test...i still feel this way to a degree...but....I am really enjoying learning all this great information. I have seen sectional charts before and tgought...no way I would ever understand this. Now that ive been studying and learning all this...im excited to have this knowledge. The traffic pattern issue is a big plus. Understanding your location in relation to a runway and the location of an aircraft in relation to that runway is great information.

Bill W.
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the only reason to want to remove it is because you want to abuse the regulations. Otherwise why are you moaning about this?

Nope. Wrong. I moan about Yuneec's NFZ because it exceeds, by far, the law I have to abide to. Under recent portuguese law, I can fly my Yuneec in far more places than Yuneec is currently allowing me to. Yuneec is not willing to adapt their NFZ's to national laws as they come up, which I get, would/could be a PITA to maintain such a firmware, but they're not making it easy for people to deal with this on their own. If I disrespect my country's law, the state isn't going after Yuneec, will be going after me. Which makes sense. Excessive NFZ's, I believe, are moot.
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Nope. Wrong. I moan about Yuneec's NFZ because it exceeds, by far, the law I have to abide to. Under recent portuguese law, I can fly my Yuneec in far more places than Yuneec is currently allowing me to. Yuneec is not willing to adapt their NFZ's to national laws as they come up, which I get, would/could be a PITA to maintain such a firmware, but they're not making it easy for people to deal with this on their own. If I disrespect my country's law, the state isn't going after Yuneec, will be going after me. Which makes sense. Excessive NFZ's, I believe, are moot.
I believe Yuneec have removed NFZ and height regs on their latest European update. So smile
I believe Yuneec have removed NFZ and height regs on their latest European update. So smile

Sadly no, mcbutler. I'm on the latest (1.07) and NFZs are still very much present. Height can be adjusted (remove the cap on 100 meters up to 2 km) but that's less of a concern than the very agressive NFZ definition (in that there's little to gain flying that high but excessive NFZs can really hinder the joy of flying).

Quick example. A skateboard park near the river, just shy of 3 km from the airport. By law I can fly there. Don't even need to go above 400 feet or anything near that to get great shots, I'm nowhere near the patterns for the active runway, but still... the drone won't even start engines. That bugs me to an extent I can't even put in (polite) words. :)
It seems a bit extreme I know.
Interestingly I use the drone assist app which has been developed in partnership with CAA. to the south of Plymouth where I live there is a large 'RED' no fly areas where there used to be a naval gunnery range. It is long gone (I used to work there) but the restriction is still in place! There is even an RC model flying club within the zone and there has been for many years!!!
Kind of strange.
Maybe if we reign everyone in for a year or two, stop all the muppets flying like idiots, then the press loses interest and it can be removed!?

In UK you could probably attract a lot of unwanted attention using any sort of camera around any sort of area used by children/young adults, like a skate park. I once had a warning for taking a photo of my 9yr old daughter at a trampoline club! UK is Political Correctness Crazy.....
I'm new to this Quad, and am having some erratic flight issues, and live under a Class 'C' surface footprint. I'm using firmware version q500_stm32_main_06_05_2015_noairport.bin just to get the motors turning. Does anyone know if there are major differences between that version and version Q500_v1.07_10_05_2015_no_airport.bin? Not sure if 4 months makes a difference
Yes i have installed the firmware from yuneec and not the firmware from the forum.
I want to try this firmware on the forum but, im afraid to try and to brick my quad.
First i ask yuneec and the answer was positif for me.
I think the problem is because you living in the USA, more security.

Yuneec specifically requests you do not publish their waiver firmware anywhere when they grant you the waiver. Although it's user code specific and tied to the auto pilot it's still a massive breech of trust if you post it anywhere. Should you try to use waiver firmware obtained from a forum there's no telling what the attempt might do to your system. At the very least you would not have any portion of the waiver. At the worst you could turn it iinto a paper weight.

One other thing; If you've downloaded NFZ removal software from this site it should not work with your system. Yuneec waivers are auto pilot serial number specific. If yours is not the serial number listed in the waiver it probably will not work. If you want a waiver, pick up the phone and make the call, fill out and sign the assumption of responsibility document, send it back, and get your waiver software.

Some of you are trying to find a way around taking responsibility for your actions. It's dishonest and regardless of having a waiver or not, you're still 100% responsible for what happens when you fly.
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Hello, I've been following this thread for a while concerning the NFZ firmware and just thought I would let you guys know that the Q500_v1.07_10_05_2015_no_airport.bin firmware posted on here, (I think its labeled Q500_v1.07_10_05_2015_no_airport(1).bin) works very well. I have just tried it - no issues.

Truth be told, I had a Q500 when they first came out and there was no way around it back then - ended up selling it. Now bare in mind that its your responsibility how you "behave" with it. I live on the borderline of Yuneec's NFZ requirements (distance from airport, and a small one we have btw). So that's why I went ahead and did it. Also I never fly very high - too scared lol.

So I'm just saying although I confirm it works, be responsible :)

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