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14 CFR Part 107 Remote Pilot

Fred Garvin

Holding Short
Premium Pilot
Nov 6, 2018
Reaction score
DFW Metroplex
I did it! I passed the Airman’s Knowledge Exam this morning. I got a 95, only missing 3 questions, 2 of which were toss ups for me and 1 I didn’t know. Only took me 45 minutes to complete it. The questions were pretty much the same as presented in the prep guides and practice tests....just different variables and wording. The Pilot Examiner at the testing facility went over the three I missed and thoroughly explained each one.

Now, I just wait a couple days for my test info to be uploaded to the FAA, then I can process my IACRA application and get my temporary certificate. I’m glad I got this out of the way in case there’s another shutdown. I was prepared to test first week of January and had to “keep on top” of my preparedness all month long. Glad it’s out of the way and looking forward to start using my drones in my business!

You can start the application process on IACRA and get a lot of it done so that all you need to do is associate the test and do a couple of final things. But you might as well set up your account and fill out all the preliminary stuff. Make sure that ALL the information matches the exact information on the paperwork you got when you passed the test. The FAA is a stickler for little details.

It normally takes 48 hours for the test to show up as well. You enter the Exam ID in the application to associate your test with the application.
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I already setup my IACRA account.....just have to start a new application.

My Typhoons and Mavic Air are registered 107. The Tello and Syma are 336.
Good going FG! Nice to have another Pro aboard.:cool:
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Waiting a couple days to process my application and print my temporary certificate.....is......very........tough.......
Wonderful......well, I don’t have any gigs lined up in the next couple weeks where the drones would come into play.....
Congrats. What was your primary study source? I’ve been hammering practice tests. Questions that I miss, I’ve do my best to research the correct answers. I won’t forget them again!
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I always turn first to ASA.....their publications are the best.

For a basic grounding in the subject I studied:

Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems Guide
The Droners Manual
Pilots Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge
(Referenced for further reading on a given topic)

For test prep and study I used:

The Complete Remote Pilot (focused ground school)
2019 Remote Pilot Test Prep (after everything above, focuses on the test itself)
Practice Exams - You get 5 free with the prep guide

Using and studying these sources, I was very well prepared for the exam. Not just studying, but learning the material so you understand the concepts, not just the question. You can get the materials on Amazon for less than full retail, plus much is free from the FAA....the Pilots Handbook, AC’s and referenced sources for studying. Assembling your Pilot’s Library is a worthwhile endeavor.
Congrats man. I've had my nose in the books pretty hard too. Hopefully I can get my test done before the possibility of another shutdown.
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Submitted my application today! It told me to start checking back in 7 days and the temporary certificate will show up in my IACRA account.
It’s official! Showed up this morning in my IACRA Dashboard!

Airman Certificate - Temporary.jpg
And finally today it arrived!

And finally today it arrived!

View attachment 15558

Congratulations. I am also looking into obtaining my commercial pilots licence for my drones. With the information I have now the soust here for training and sitting the test is €1156 I think this is very high? If you don't mind me asking what did it cost you? I see you got a number of books and a couple cof APP's, I assume it caused you less than $100 for the books and apps plus whatever it caused to sit the test itself. The test fees here are: PCC application fee: €148 and the SOP application fee: €148. If I could find a good online course or some other book/video APP applicable knowledge based information I am sure it would cause much less?
I would gratefully appreciate any advice you or others gould give me.

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