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Need help with st10 update

hiflyer1, I AGREE completely but as I said Q won't engage roters I'm indoors or could it be the box also Sd card is still in Box. I am so close ,just don't want to mess up now. Thank You,Happy flying for me soon I hope
Good job getting the bird to bind.
Now, hook up the GUI and test everything.
Recalibrate everything while your at it.
Let us know what the GUI tells you about the Q. Is it ready to fly ?
jafo and all, Just finished st calibration ,went well Q actually flies now am happy for that ,have not done compass calibration jet, only problem now is ..st constantly says aquireng wifi video but won't connect to camera .Thank You All , have not hooked GUI yet.Do I need to?
Do the compass calibration before your next flight. DON'T WAIT !!
Glad you got it back in the air.
Confirm you can bind the camera to the box now.
If you had good sats showing I would say your pretty much past the need for the GUI now.
Hello all flyers,I am back in the air however st10 constantly is trying to connect to video wi fi but never does ,am happy to be flying but still......No Video,,,,Thanks P. S. Camera was working before update
Need more info from you...
Have you tried binding the camera to the box ? What happens ??
Have you tried loading the current firmware for your camera to the sd card and updating the camera ?
Try removing the SD card from the Box and reinstalling it. Sometimes it doesn't seat right and can cause connection issues with the camera.
More info from you will help.
Hello all flyers,I am back in the air however st10 constantly is trying to connect to video wi fi but never does ,am happy to be flying but still......No Video,,,,Thanks P. S. Camera was working before update
http://www.astramodel.cz/manualy/yuneec/MK58_User_Manual_0907.pdf Only for GoPro3+ I found it to be a t great help
and making progress myself now. had the same problem. I have the lite flashing on the OSD receiver as it should so getting close. Gud Luck. pulling for you. Bird flies great again too. /hyflyer1/EdK
Camera is working had to put in default password,however camera will not move horizontally or vertically.could it be perhaps compass needs recalibrating ??
Camera is working had to put in default password,however camera will not move horizontally or vertically.could it be perhaps compass needs recalibrating ??
GM saksrd, very possible. I found using cell for true north and setting craft down face north and check with cell. Or on table close to PC. Keep your cell away from craft too and anything that cause interference. hi hi Lites with hi energy bulbs will affect too. Go to GUI page and check all out. I had the same problem and that's what I did. We're talking the Yuneecq500 Typhoon. I'm using the gopro3+. Gud luck and appreciate it if you keep me posted. Been thru some 'wars' with this craft. Best to U
Guys am sorry to inform you ,I did GUI test on camera ,camera did respond perfectly to test but afterwords ,still won't move with camera switch,i do have video??????????? THANKS,should I do another GUI on camera? P.S. you guys get up early also
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I followed a video of a search on U Tube. Guy showed taking his phone and true North! This is on the g 500 with a gopro3.
His statement got me for he mentioned the gimbal not working as it should be and hanging up on one side and moving around! I had the same problem. I followed the video as the guy suggested and it worked for me. Do a search on U tube and perhaps you'll find the same video. I don't save or subscribe to all the videos so I don't have the site to post. don't give up.
Best of Luck/Flying
hiflyer1,You and Wingshooter and Jafo and anyone else that took the time to reply to my problems are Super pilots, Just reloaded formware to ST10 everything is working now ,THANK YOU ALL ,would have never figured it out on my own.....LOVE THIS SITE ,Hope perhaps some day I can help someone as much as You All helped ME
Your GPS has nothing to do with your problem.Nor does anything in the drone at this point.
I have no idea about any "Button " you need to press on your Q to get it to bind.Perhaps he's thinking of some other model.
Anytime you shut the box off and reconnect to the usb port you will need to go back into the menu and check "USB Debugging" again to have windows see the box.
To bind your Q to the box, start your Q and let it initialize.Once started, tilt the drone forward to 45 degrees two times. Now look for the orange led on the bottom of the drone indicating the drone is in bind mod. Now go into the box menu and bind the drone.Listen for the drone to beep indicating it's bound and restart all.
We'll get to the camera later. Get the drone to bind first.
thanks, man. you are the best. i reset by mistake my st10+ and thanks to you i bind again my q with st.
now i have to fix my cam and to bind it also. :)

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