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Question, on the Typhoon H, do I need to have a SD card in the control or after each flight, do I download via USB to my computer.
Question, on the Typhoon H, do I need to have a SD card in the control or after each flight, do I download via USB to my computer.

The Typhoon H stores the telemetry in its internal memory of the ST-16 in the FlightLog folder. You do not have to offload to your computer after each flight. You can save the telemetry using a USB connection to your computer or by transferring to an SD card then to the computer from it.
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Also be aware that while the flight logs are automatically stored, once you reach 100 flights or 'cycles' of booting up, the St-16 will automatically start deleting older files one at a time as a new on is added. For instance if you flew 125 flights and went to view your telemetry you would find the flights begin at 00026 and run thru 00125.
The Typhoon H stores the telemetry in its internal memory of the ST-16 in the FlightLog folder. You do not have to offload to your computer after each flight. You can save the telemetry using a USB connection to your computer or by transferring to an SD card then to the computer from it.
Excellent. Thank you @Ty Pilot.
Also be aware that while the flight logs are automatically stored, once you reach 100 flights or 'cycles' of booting up, the St-16 will automatically start deleting older files one at a time as a new on is added. For instance if you flew 125 flights and went to view your telemetry you would find the flights begin at 00026 and run thru 00125.
Good to know. Thank you again. @Ty Pilot
There is a free program developed by one of our members (@h-elsner) that is capable of reading the telemetry files and sensor files from most of Yuneec's aircraft. I use it to help members when they have crashes, flyaways, or just weird actions with their craft. The title is Q500log2kml and is a standalone program. Due to changes in PC OS usages it has become unfeasible for him to maintain all versions on his website like he used to do. the most current versions for Windows 64 bit and Linux 64 bit are still on his website Meine private Homepage - Programmierung, Kopter, Bilder in the downloads area.

For those that may still need the Windows 32 bit version or the iMac version I will be maintaining it on my Google Drive with his permission. Here is the link to that folder Q500log2kml versions - Google Drive.

Let us know if you find this useful.

Hey Doom
R U doin alright ?
I need to send a few
Telemetry Files to see if I am having a Battery Issue
I forgot what file EXT
I am suppose to use .
And where to put it in at.
Can you refresh my
memory please.
Keith Kuhn
Copy the FlightLogs folder from the ST-16 to a folder on your desktop (I make the name FlightLogMMDDYYYY for the date). Then right click the folder on your desktop and select Send To, then select compressed folder and name it something like THLogsMMDDYYYY.zip.

You can then upload the zip file using the attach files button below, and then post your reply.
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Copy the FlightLogs folder from the ST-16 to a folder on your desktop (I make the name FlightLogMMDDYYYY for the date). Then right click the folder on your desktop and select Send To, then select compressed folder and name it something like THLogsMMDDYYYY.zip.

You can then upload the zip file using the attach files button below, and then post your reply.

Thank You
I thought I had to add
a different ext.
Tomorrow I will get on it.
I do love my TH
Copy the FlightLogs folder from the ST-16 to a folder on your desktop (I make the name FlightLogMMDDYYYY for the date). Then right click the folder on your desktop and select Send To, then select compressed folder and name it something like THLogsMMDDYYYY.zip.

You can then upload the zip file using the attach files button below, and then post your reply.

Hey my friend Doom
I go to load my TY H
Files from my PC.
It asks me to log in
So I did with a newly
Reset password and it said something went
Wrong and I was Banned.
Keith Kuhn
PS I am logged in on my
Phone - - Go figure
Here is a Step by Step Guide for getting the telemetry files from a Typhoon H Plus - However the same steps are used to get the files from a regular Typhoon but the root folder has a different name if I remember correctly.

1] You will want to first create an empty folder on your desktop - if you need help with this it is simple - Right click anywhere on your desktop in clear space and select "New Folder" when it is created you will have a chance to name it as Doom mentions above.

2] In step 6 of the guide linked above you will see four folders, Right click on them and 'copy' each one and the 'Paste' them into the new folder you created

3] Once the folder you created - has all four (4) of the telemetry files - make sure it is named as Doom Mentions and load it up to the forum

Here is a simple video on creating folders and all the other steps needed to get and manage files.


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