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H920 lost connection (fly-away)

The original 920 was a complex machine and accepting instruction on how to use it was beneficial to many. Eliminated a lot of crashes before they happened

Although reduced in capability, the 920+ is still a considerably advanced platform and requires time on the sticks working with different features to take full advantage of it. Some pre purchase tutelage should be accepted if offered.

The 920 is a large drone and can be deadly in the hands of inexperienced operators. Those 18” props won’t stop if they hit flesh, and it has more than enough mass to cause critical injuries upon impact at speed.
The original 920 was a complex machine and accepting instruction on how to use it was beneficial to many. Eliminated a lot of crashes before they happened

Although reduced in capability, the 920+ is still a considerably advanced platform and requires time on the sticks working with different features to take full advantage of it. Some pre purchase tutelage should be accepted if offered.

The 920 is a large drone and can be deadly in the hands of inexperienced operators. Those 18” props won’t stop if they hit flesh, and it has more than enough mass to cause critical injuries upon impact at speed.
Well, buying a bicycle for a child (inexperienced operator) risks:
1. critical injury for both a child and third parties upon accident
2. considerable damage to expensive property
3. years in prison for parents
4. etc.
however, this does not stop people from teaching their kids driving a bicycle without them getting license first. Moreover, accidents happen even people pass all possible tests, and read all possible instructions. Theory may reduce chances for accident, however, a true value is in cautious (at first) experience.

I do understand what you say here, and do my best to avoid any damage or injuries. Do not get me wrong, I went through H920 instructions more than once, and do recommend beginners to do so.

My described fly-away happened because of my in-experience. I was lucky I was in an open field. But I do not agree that reading solely instruction will save/prepare operators for what really waits you out there (e.g.
Caring parents buy their children’s first bicycles equipped with training wheels and even with those run alongside the bicycle to help their child stabilize it when riding the first few times. The goal is to teach them how to ride safely and avoid injuries from a fall.

I’m not telling anyone what they should or should not do, only suggesting people take advantage of help where offered to obtain the most functionality from a complex product and increasing their safe operating practices in the process. For those new to multirotors, the 920 is not the one to learn on.
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Dear all, can you tell me which software did you use to visualize those data from the flight log *.csv files above in this topic? And how can I figure out which column is what?
Thank you, this case and the analysis was interesting.

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