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H plus record sound ????

The only time recording audio with a multirotor serves any purpose is when the motors are not turning. In which case the multirotor would be in use as a static video camera, something done much better with higher quality/resolution cameras, or after the motors stopped in flight with aircraft in process of crashing.

Anyone that records in flight audio with a multirotor has to remove the audio track before mixing another audio track unless they want the disturbing prop noise running as back ground.
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One last time... I truly do not believe those chiming in here, who are advocates to for our cameras to also record audio, expect to capture anything useable, besides the actual prop and motor sounds. We realize that.

The point I, personally, am trying to make is simply and nothing but one of having options.

If the capability does not exist, no option. If it does, one has the option to turn of audio recording if one does not like it or want it.

I am one who likes the “ambient” sound. If it gets too much, I can turn it down or mute it.

What is more uncomfortable for me, when reviewing footage, is dead silence. I could never play Wolfenstein or Doom for more than a minute or so until I installed a sound card and speakers to my PC. Probably why I still don’t play video games.

It’s a given that once in edit mode, muting the native audio while adding a “pleasing” soundtrack is standard procedure.

The whole point is having the option to record if one chooses.


P.S. it’s also fun to show those H480 videos, with the landing gear in the shot showing how much the craft is rocking in the high winds, the motors pulsing to keep position, all the while seeing the horizon steady as a rock!
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I'm going to chime in here, I use the audio a lot for doing Truck and Tractor pulls. Heck I've chased Monster Trucks that have 5000Hp and are very loud. So having a onboard mic is kind of a must for the stuff I do. I get it if all you record are scenery stuff but as a gear head I go for the loud stuff. Yes I'll stay as a " armature" all day long even though I've been flying for yrs now. So for the flyers to sit back and say " why would you record noise is not fair just because they don't have a use for it is not fair to the one who might. Like one stated earlier better to have a tool in the tool box and not need than to need it and not have it. I'm not out to make $ with my drones I just get the video from places or angles that people can't be for safety reasons. I guess I'm just the odd duck in the group.
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The H Plus (C23) does not have a microphone in the camera. The H (CGO3+) does have a mic, but all you will record is the sound from the props.
If you need sound on the video it must be recorded from on the ground and then synced to the video during the editing process. This is true with all drones since they all have considerable prop noise.

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