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Geomagnetic solar storm

Mar 8, 2021
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The date is 10/11/2021
Took my typhoon h plus for a flight today in an area that I normally fly and received several geomagnetic interfearance warnings. Controller and drone gps were both reading in the green, however I did see some problems holding altitude.
I later learned that a geomagnetic solar storm was due to hit earth on 10/11/21. I live at 45 degrees north lattitude.
Has anyone else experienced issues as this? Pretty scary for gps navigation😢
Seems there were several solar storms this summer. I rarely saw an open day of good flying on my ok to fly site. Also google had reported several times of the same. I was very busy this summer re-finishing my log cabin so I used this as an excuse not to fly. Now I feel awful and miss flying. Am going to do some winter flights,as it has not quit snowing here for 5 days but it's warm,to me anyways CDN! Peace KC
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It's very important to power on and fly at least every 2~3 months, to give gps battery the possibility of a recharge, almanac to be updated and to prevent IMU failure.
Also it helps battery chemistry to be refreshed.
I fly also if temperatures are below zero, only avoid too misty days.
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