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Bricked H3 out of the box

Oct 5, 2016
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Cool things again from Yuneec.
Got recently one new in the box H3, very delayed shipping from early December order, and surprise.
Chinese flightcontrol2 on st16, not binding to aircraft, ION L1 camera does not work on the aircraft (it works on another Yuneec copter)
This seems a mix of H+, H520, and H3.
I really pass the disappointment stage and looking for a lawyer to ask these guys more than RMA, refund and compensation.
Anybody with ideas or a similar situation?
Personally if I had the money I'd wait up to a year before considering one, they haven't learnt from their mistakes and still rolling out faulty units, you are brave and I don't envy the hassle you will go through to get a solution, I'd get my money back and look elsewhere if it was me, there are too few in use to draw any conclusion to your problem, there was one I remember where the gimbal went crazy after a few seconds, the OP never said what the conclusion was, perhaps he was silenced by Yuneec, good luck with your H3 and finding a resolution.
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This is a personal opinion about Yuneec’s business practices. They have been pulling away from the casual and pro-sumer market for a couple of years now by providing minimal and shoddy customer support and an almost nonexistent supply chain for consumables like props, batteries and other spare parts needed to repair from crashes or normal wear and tear.

They openly admit to wanting to just cater to the high priced commercial market, so let that market try to bail their failing, lack of cash flow corporation back into a flourishing business! I don’t see that happening in the foreseeable future.

Do yourself a favor and demand your money back or a working system in exchange within 10 working days. This should be no problem at all for Yuneec Europe.
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Cool things again from Yuneec.
Got recently one new in the box H3, very delayed shipping from early December order, and surprise.
Chinese flightcontrol2 on st16, not binding to aircraft, ION L1 camera does not work on the aircraft (it works on another Yuneec copter)
This seems a mix of H+, H520, and H3.
I really pass the disappointment stage and looking for a lawyer to ask these guys more than RMA, refund and compensation.
Anybody with ideas or a similar situation?

Sorry to read of the troubles you are experiencing.

Could you expand on what you mean by "This seems a mix of H+, H520, and H3"?

I am curious if the package you received came direct from the Yuneec factory, or if you are saying it resembles a kit put together by a dealer.

If the latter, we need more details as this could indicate something other than an issue with Yuneec.

Thanks in advance for more elaboration.

Wouldn’t think, with home grown comments of frustration and the like, there would be the need to resuscitate the bashing practices employed by a certain competitor back in the good old days.

Yet these “fly-by” postings have that familiar aroma.

Here’s to hoping it’s just the spring thaw exposing winter decay before the renewal of spring growth.

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Got RMA number to ship it back and get refunded, but given the current logistics nightmare caused by coronavirus, I have asked if they can provide firmware so I can solve it without moving boxes, and I still await an answer...
Got RMA number to ship it back and get refunded, but given the current logistics nightmare caused by coronavirus, I have asked if they can provide firmware so I can solve it without moving boxes, and I still await an answer...

Just to preface, I have owned The 480 H and H Plus. The Leica looks really good in the H3.

At this point of time seeing the total lack of market activity, no updates in Forums, no drones to sell from any state-side retailers six months after the 'release', effectively a silent Yuneec. The H3 is a rehash of prior parts and new; apparently using out-of-spec gimble for the heavier camera (even the few YouTube videos where they film the H3 flying you can see excessive shaking of the camera as it pans). Yuneec has gone dark. Autel has had issues with their new product, but has communicated and resolved their issues and is supporting customers. I would feel lucky to get the money back from Yuneec and call it a day. I don't think Yuneec has a valid business plan (or any) for the next year or two, and I don't perceive any 'heart' from them to continue in business.
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