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18 days of flight left...

See? I'm telling you.

Any confirmation from the FAA? I don't usually listen to any Bob, Dick or Harry that tells me something is okay when there are regulations published against it.

I just sent an email to the FAA asking.
Didn't see anything on the FAA website Remote !D section. The page was last updated on August 17 or something like that. Not sure what that means, one way or the other.

By the way, my first name is "Tom". And yeah, I've been known to work with Richard and Harold on occasion. :cool:
dronescout.co has db121 and db120 FAA approved, unfortunately on slight backorder (4+ week delay) they'll even ship to the US
I don't usually listen to any Bob, Dick or Harry that tells me something is okay when there are regulations published against it.
Two of those speakers in the Youtube video are well known characters who regularly talk with FAA reps. I'll message one of them to see if he has a link to any publications.
My email to FAA UAS Support center:

"I have seen a few videos online saying that the Remote ID deadline of
September 16th has been cancelled or postponed. Is there any information

on this?"

Their reply:

"The FAA is aware of the concerns; we are considering options with respect to relief from the 16 Sep compliance date. We will have more to share with you in the near future on FAA websites and social media."
Just reminding everyone that in 18 days all our Typhoon H's become illegal. Still have not
heard of anyone adding Remote ID to a Typhoon. These modul3s keep going up in price. now theyre
$2OO and up.
Goodluck Everyone, Richie
no don't do it RI is canceled sept 16
no don't do it RI is canceled sept 16
Do you have a link to an official source for that?

I know there is rumor that RID will be delayed, but I have not seen anything official as of yet.
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Quote from the above website as of September 6, 2023:

"The pending deadline for many drone operators to have Remote ID systems on their vehicles will be slipped, a top FAA safety official said at the kickoff of the Commercial UAV Expo here.

“You’re going to get relief, it’s just a matter of what that relief looks like,” said David Boulter, the associate administrator for aviation safety.

The announcement will come soon, before the previous Sept. 16 deadline, which many in the industry said would be impossible for them to meet.
Remote ID is intended to allow government or law enforcement to be able to tell who owns and operators a drone, but for many that means a hardware upgrade.

Boulter acknowledged the push for Remote ID has run into supply chain problems, especially as the FAA had recently required traditional aviation pilots to update their radar altimeters.

“This is a supply chain issue,” he said. “There are only so many chips in the world.”

The news should come in the next few days, he said. “There will be relief, and it will be before the 16th. It’s somewhere in the gauntlet,” and will involve other government agencies beyond the FAA.

Lisa Ellman, the executive director of the Commercial Drone Alliance, and the moderator of the first day keynote, said industry supports the concept but there is “a lot of confusion about how it’s going to be implemented.”

The FAA had previously indicated it might not pursue any enforcement action of the deadline until Dec. 16 at the earliest, and it’s unclear if that will slip as well."
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This is interesting:

I always figured you could make your own RID module using an ESP32 but I didn't figure the FAA would accept it. That link makes it look like there is a DIY ESP32 RID module that has been accepted.
Just to try to say one more time. Without a common standard approved by the authorities, what to send, and how to send it, everything is just a scam. A healthy mind says that soon all approved devices will be on hold.
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Laws and crime are for criminals, but they don't follow them. If the FAA thinks that criminals and people they want to catch or prevent from doing harm are going to be broadcasting remote ID when it gets implemented, they should think again. Only the law abiding and well intentioned citizens are going to be following it. (And a few renegades, not necessarily criminals, won't be.)
My simple comment is, why are the people of the US allowing this to happen,(Apart from the Drones manufactured in China) and all that goes with it, it's this the land of the free? get rid of the current Regime they are destroying your country in my opinion
and pray "We dont Get Fooled Again" lol
and pray "We dont Get Fooled Again" lol
And don’t forget that these laws were passed in 2018 under the previous regime.
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