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14 CFR Part 107 Remote Pilot

Here is the US, the cost to take the test (and therefore become rated as a commercial pilot) is currently 160.00$ US, up from 150.00 just a couple of years ago. All of the information and study materials can be obtained for free simply by going to the FAA's website and downloading all the necessary PDFs. Beyond that, some choose to take a course from one of the numerous online schools that have prepared the study material into a series of videos which many pilots prefer. In doing so they tend to add this figure into the cost as well but the fact remains that the study materials are still currently free and the test (both initial and recurrent) cost 160.00 to get certified as a commercial UAV pilot here in the states.

Of course being certified and being in business are two completely different things, much like having a license to driving a car and actually having a car - having one does not automatically mean you have the other. ;)
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I don’t know where you live or what the requirements are.....and even if I did know, it would still depend on you.

How do you learn best? Do you dig in and read everything you can? Do you just learn the answers to the questions? Can you direct your own studies? Do you need to just sit there while someone teaches you? Only you can answer this and decide what path is best for you.

I'm the type who isn’t interested in knowing the answers to the questions. I want to know the subject matter to such a degree you can ask the question in any way and I can answer it because I understand the topic. I draw from many sources, but the process is always the same: Build a solid foundation of understanding, then build the specifics on top of that. Test my knowledge and understanding, going back over areas I’m not completely versed in. Learn the subject with the goal of being able to teach the material to someone else. I’m not satisfied with anything less.

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