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7cyclops's latest activity

  • 7
    Thanks friend. I know Yuneec Skins is incredibly helpful to all Typhoon owners. I had a normal flight at the park with it. I just never...
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    7cyclops reacted to Yuneec Skins's post in the thread software q500 download? windows with Love Love.
    If your Q500 is Flying with no issues, or problems, and all Functions are working, there is no need to update the Firmware for your...
  • 7
    My H hates my travel trailer,,,and aluminum extension ladders and the fence around the garden.Took me a while to get this allfigured...
  • 7
    Watched your Video... Great Save !! Not sure how you pulled that off coming in at an Angle for an Emergency Landing... I couldn't Help...
  • 7
    Is there another phone or other WiFi device within range that was connected to the Mantis G in the past that may be connecting before...
  • 7
    Can you take the drone and phone about a mile or so from your current location and try again? Seems like that should eliminate any...
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    7cyclops reacted to WTFDproject's post in the thread Lack of GPS on ST16S with Like Like.
    1.) 您在帖子 #15 中提供的图片显示线路已正确对齐。 2.) 在帖子 #7 中,您说在尝试启动电机时听到了警报声。 如果该声音来自无人机,则表明无人机已被绑定。 3.) 同样在帖子 #7 中,图片 1 和 2 显示了最上面一行的几个遥测指示器,它们来自射频模块。...
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    7cyclops reacted to WTFDproject's post in the thread Lack of GPS on ST16S with Like Like.
    射频板与实现 GPS 锁定无关。射频板主要用于接收 ST16S 硬件控制单元的控制信号,并将无人机的遥测数据传输到 ST16S。 您的图片显示它连接正确,似乎工作正常。 The RF board has nothing to do with achieving GPS...
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    7cyclops reacted to WTFDproject's post in the thread Lack of GPS on ST16S with Like Like.
    我这里有一台 HPlus,也有类似的 GPS 问题。我一直在试验。我找到了一个解决方案,可能对你的无人机有用。不过,该解决方案需要临时更改固件。固件更改要求 C23 的相机部分工作正常,并且与 HPlus 连接良好。您能描述一下 C23 的情况吗?或者您可以借用另一台...
  • 7
    7cyclops reacted to DoomMeister's post in the thread Lack of GPS on ST16S with Like Like.
    The photos in post #7 showed good GPS on both the aircraft and the controller. Aircraft had 20+ satellites and the controller had 16+...
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    7cyclops reacted to Steve Carr's post in the thread Lack of GPS on ST16S with Like Like.
    Are you certain the GPS is plugged into the correct connector on the main board?
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    7cyclops reacted to WTFDproject's post in the thread Lack of GPS on ST16S with Like Like.
    澄清哪些观察结果是由当前配置引起的,哪些可能是实际问题的症状,可能会有所帮助。 1.) 左上角的指南针在没有摄像头的情况下不起作用。 2.) 由屏幕激活的软件开关/按钮与安装在控制器外壳上的硬件按钮和开关不同。大多数软件按钮/开关需要摄像头才能工作。@h-elsner...
  • 7
    7cyclops reacted to DoomMeister's post in the thread Lack of GPS on ST16S with Like Like.
    1. The two rear lights flashing pink means there is a compass alarm. See page 51 of the attached manual. 2. This is not uncommon and...
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    7cyclops reacted to WTFDproject's post in the thread Lack of GPS on ST16S with Like Like.
    检查 GPS 模块与主板之间的线路和连接。 尤其要检查连接器上的插针。 如果在连接器背面看到任何金属,请确保将插针完全插回原位。 Check the wiring and connections between the GPS module and the main...
  • 7
    7cyclops reacted to DoomMeister's post in the thread Lack of GPS on ST16S with Like Like.
    I have seen this issue on another ST16S controller. That one was repaired by installing a new GPS antenna. It is found in the lower...