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Venom 520 / Plus Battery On Sale

Just got this email. Are those batteries still decent? I had a few Venom's years ago when I raced RC trucks and they seemed well built. I'm just a bit hesitant in putting an aftermarket battery in a $2000 drone.
Yuneec does not make batteries, they buy them from battery makers and have their label put on them...
Got to ask where to get proper battery maintenance seeing as I cant understand how a fully charged battery differs from a 50% (or whatever the storage rate is)
Came across this while trying to educate myself, now just got to learn the numbers ?


  • Lipoly Voltage 2S - 6S Packs.JPG
    Lipoly Voltage 2S - 6S Packs.JPG
    133.5 KB · Views: 16
@johnnyb57 The stock chargers that comes with the Typhoon H or the Typhoon H Plus, are not capable of proper maintenance of the flight batteries, all they can do is fully charge them. Aftermarket chargers are capable of many functions to keep your batteries in top shape. Many of us have had batteries lasting 2.5 years and more with no real issues and that is due to a good aftermarket charger that has functions like storage.

One must also know the chemistry of the battery before using a charger as all batteries are not the same. For instance this thread is about LiHV batteries (H Plus and 520) while that chart you posted is for LiPo batteries such as used in the standard Typhoon H. Once you know your battery type a good charger takes all the guess work out but it does help to know the numbers by heart.

One thing you can do put your batteries very close to storage mode (I assume you are flying a standard Typhoon H) is this. If you have a full or partially charged battery that you want to put into storage which is 15.2 Volts or 3.8 volts per cell is to simply fly the typhoon and monitor closely the voltage during flight. When it get close to 15 volts make sure you are near the landing spot and just keep it in a hover until you see the voltage drop to about 14.8 or 14.9 volts then land and shut down. When that battery cools of and rests the voltage will rebound back to 15.2 volts or close enough so as to do no harm.
Thanx I have both the H and H+ as you can see in the learning stages of this just trying to understand everything. Just bought the dual port dy5 balancing charger
There is a sticky thread at the top of the Typhoon H How To section named “Lipo Battery Care” that covers battery requirements. It would be a good time to read it.
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