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UAV Toolbox - Flight data app now supporting H Plus (Beta)

testing Build 893
"Beta" is the key word you left out, and "Bug ridden" are the two words I left out! Nothing to see here folks, return to you homes, Build 893 needs some work.

...I can say that we get a major new feature with the next official build, and it will be awesome! I can hardly wait, hoping it will be our Christmas present from Yuneec, but I'm not holding my breath.
"Beta" is the key word you left out, and "Bug ridden" are the two words I left out! Nothing to see here folks, return to you homes, Build 893 needs some work.

...I can say that we get a major new feature with the next official build, and it will be awesome! I can hardly wait, hoping it will be our Christmas present from Yuneec, but I'm not holding my breath.

You tease! ;) I've sent you a message about that telemetry..
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@Tuna any progress on the issues raised? I’m looking forward to installing on my ST16S......

I’ve encountered an issue with 2.3 on the ST16 uploading logs.....sent you an email via your web form on that. Just getting everything from the HPro updated and current before I start populating from the H+.
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A quick update -

I'm getting a few reports of people seeing telemetry split up into multiple flights. Not sure if this is a reception issue for the HPlus, but the telemetry shows the drone falling out of Angle Mode and into Ready Mode for short periods.

If you're experiencing this, can you let me know?

I also need to check that when you view the summary page, you're seeing the relevant media (photos, videos) for that flight when you scroll down past the flights. Again, if you're not seeing media, or the wrong media, please drop me a message.
I have not been able to use UAV Toolbox for a few days now. I only get a blank screen on "My Flights" and the Contact page gives an error about getting the robot question.

Same result:
Ipad IOS 13.3 Safari/Chrome
iPhone XS Max IOS 13.3 Safari
MacBook Pro Catalina 10.15.2 Safari/Chrome/Firefox
iMac El Capitan 10.11.6 Safari/Chrome/Firefox (Yeah, 2007 model, still works great!)
Sorry guys, very bad timing. The server decided to have a lie down just at the start of the holiday break.

It's back up now, and I'll be monitoring it to see if there are any further problems.
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Hey all, I used the version with the TH+ and really liked it. But my 14 day trial has expired and I can't figure out how to pay to unlock. The app says pay online, and online says use the app. Is there a page I'm missing? Thanks in advance
Hey all, I used the version with the TH+ and really liked it. But my 14 day trial has expired and I can't figure out how to pay to unlock. The app says pay online, and online says use the app. Is there a page I'm missing? Thanks in advance
I believe you have an internet connection on the ST16S, logon through the app, then go through the process of purchasing. I believe that was the process with the Typhoon H version, so should be the same for the H+ version.

EDIT: I saw on the website for the beta download that purchasing has been removed from the program, but not available on the website yet. I would suggest contacting @Tuna here [email protected].
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Sorry for the radio silence , it's been an interesting year (and it's only April!). My development H Plus is currently being repaired (pilot error + tree = lots of damage), my main source of income is taking up far too much of my time, and of course, we're dealing with the virus worldwide.

There will be a way to pay for the app online, when I'm satisfied that there's something there worth paying for. Reliable reporting of telemetry is a start, but I'm afraid for now Yuneec have made it unnecessarily difficult to do anything with CCC on the H Plus (and you don't need flight planning for the H520 when it has it built in). I'm disappointed not to be able to build something more around UAV Toolbox, but the environment for drone software has proven to be very challenging. As a consequence, updates have to be 'when I am able'.

In the mean time, I thank you all for your patience and support.
Pour ceux d'entre vous qui ne connaissent pas UAV Toolbox, il s'agit d'une application qui fonctionne sur le ST-16. Il:
  • Lit les vols précédents sur les cartes
  • Donne des résumés de vol, y compris la batterie, le signal radio, les messages d'erreur et d'autres données
  • Ajoute des bulletins météorologiques et des adresses de localisation
  • Lit les vidéos et images de vol, synchronisées avec l'emplacement de la carte et la télémétrie
  • Fournit un moyen facile de télécharger la télémétrie et les fichiers du ST-16 via WiFi
  • Vous permet de télécharger et de partager des résumés de vols, des cartes et des médias synchronisés en ligne
  • Suivi de l'utilisation de l'équipement (quelle batterie pour quel vol, etc.)
  • Le service en ligne comprend le téléchargement des journaux de vol au format simple .csv à ajouter à votre journal de bord
  • Convertit les vols au format Google Maps pour les importer dans d'autres logiciels
Maintenant sur la version 3.0.1, je suis heureux d'annoncer la prise en charge du H Plus. Ceci est une version bêta, donc il peut y avoir (probablement!) Des bogues.

Si vous souhaitez l'essayer, les instructions de téléchargement et d'installation sont disponibles ici: UAV Toolbox - Yuneec ST-16

Notez que vous devez vous inscrire pour utiliser l'application et la tester gratuitement pendant 28 jours. Si vous avez déjà utilisé la version pour le H480, votre enregistrement continuera à fonctionner pour le H Plus sans paiement supplémentaire. Après 28 jours, si vous souhaitez continuer à utiliser l'application, il y aura un petit paiement, effectué en ligne - ce n'est pas encore disponible, mais devrait arriver dans les prochaines semaines en fonction des commentaires des tests.

À l'heure actuelle, la cartographie n'est pas prise en charge sur le H Plus - malheureusement, j'ai écrasé mon drone, le développement de cette fonction s'est donc arrêté jusqu'à ce que je puisse le faire réparer.

Faites-moi savoir comment vous vous en sortez. Si vous rencontrez des problèmes, envoyez-moi un message via le site Web, sur ce fil ou en m'envoyant un message via le forum. Vos commentaires et votre soutien sont essentiels pour alimenter ce projet.
Bonjour, je viens d'intaller la version beta pour H plus, donc impossible pour l'instant de faire cartographie?...quand la version finale merci

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