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Recommend Glue for Breeze Case repairs

Jun 5, 2018
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Well my Bird found a Tree today going thru some rolling hills. Luckily it was only 10 feet hi and cracked the case around the area around the battery holder. The bottom case fell off and the GPS cover + the Battery came out but all was recovered.
A quick test afterwards seems every thing still works. Now I'm wondering what glue I can use that's not too hot to melt the case?

I'll try and post a video later really a dumb mistake on my part
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Check with @Pman. He has done some repair of the Breeze body and uses one of the Gorilla Glue epoxies.
I wasnt going to write all this out as I think I already did but that might have been in a PM.ive been using a wide variety of 2 part epoxies it seems since they came out.

Before you even think about mixing up a batch you need to clean the area well and then roughen up the surfaces. You can use isopropyl alcohol but if you really want it clean use nail polish remover.
Nail polish remover not only cleans it also removes practically anything. For instance I've been repairing the parts breezes from ebay and have purchased a couple of empty cases. The cases came marked with permanent marker with a whole bunch of letters and numbers along an entire side in big letters. Isopropyl will remove a lot of it but it will look like a mess afterwards like you spread the color all over. If you use nail polish remover it is completely gone like it never re existed. It takes a small layer away so use caution.
I would suggest something like a razor blade to scrape lines in every direction across the break overlapping so that you create a lot of rough surface area so the glue has something to bind to. It should look like you scratched it everywhere with rough sandpaper. Of course you could use sandpaper but it's not going to cut as deeply into the plastic.
I'm talking about doing this on the inside so you dont see it. You should try many times to align the break before you glue it so you are not moving the glue around while it is curing.
Just because an epoxy says 5 minutes this does NOT mean it cures in 5 minutes. The 5 minutes is the workable time you have before it hardens to unusable. If you look at the glue instructions what you will likely find is it says 24 hours for full cure.
I use gorilla glue 5 minute because it does not harden to the point that it will just crack if hit. It will remain slightly flexible and can handle vibrations when fully cured.
Mix it for about 1 minute quickly and thoroughly. My technique is to mix with a stick for about 30 seconds and then use a razor blade to spread it over itself for another 30 seconds. If you dont want any on your fingers definately use some latex gloves. Nail polish remover or something like acetone will help get it off them. If you get it on your fingers you tend to get it all over the things you dont want it on like the drone.
Spread it on pressing in to your grooves and hard enough to get in the crack. It's up to you whether you want and on the outside where others might see but obviously it will be stronger if you do both sides.
Now you can also make it stronger by placing something like a piece of metal screening like mosquito screen into the glue you just put down and spreading more glue over it but any metal might cause a signal issue so pay attention to where it is. I didnt use any for the repairs I made. Let it cure for that 24 hours.
Now because the main break it came with was the bottom part of a control arm and I ended up completely separating the top and bottom sections I used gorilla clear tape that is like a super thick packing tape to hold it all back together. If you separate the upper and lower body it will NOT just snap back together as it's obviously a one shot deal done at the factory. I did not glue the whole thing back together because I wanted to leave it in a way that I could take it all back apart again if I wanted.
After the rebuild it works/flies like brand new and is only a few grams heavier. Unless you got a good look at it you wouldnt know it was repaired.
Ha, you replied right before my big post:)
Sorry im wide awake this morning I used a Toothpick and made sure I filled and overlapped the affected Parts. It was in a area that was difficult to Clamp so I sat at my Desk for a half a hour holding it together, seemed to work fine. I Checked about a hour later and the epox was hard as a rock. [emoji2]
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