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More on NFZ's - restrictions are being implemented.

Dec 28, 2017
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Westinster, CO
As anyone paying attention knows, NFZ's are becoming more restrictive. When I got my first Drone all I could think of was flying in Estes Park (Colorado) and taking cool video. Then I read about NFZ's and was very disheartened about any Drone and the actual use of this 'toy'. I posed many questions about the actual use of a Drone - what is your intended use? Where will you take video, will you get tired just taking video of the same school yard every time you fly. Does flying 1/2 mile - 3 miles make sense, with people worried about privacy and 'things' falling from the sky. Many new operators fly out far enough that they don't have sufficient battery to get back - and the drone lands itself or crashes. Cities around the US are passing new laws every day with restrictive air for drones. If you don't know, don't fly - you may be subject to a respectable fine ($$).

Here's the latest from Golden Colorado:

We finally have confirmation that the rumor is, in fact, TRUE. Recently, several members had mentioned this, but no one could point to any direct proof that Golden had taken the step to restrict the use of UAV’s in their parks.

This comes from one of our members (Richard H). Golden did adopt an Ordinance on 1/27/2017 (over a year ago) restricting the use of UAV’s in their parks (see attached pdf and link).

Sec. 8.30.030 Park usage restrictions

l) Unmanned aerial vehicles. It is prohibited for any person to operate any unmanned aerial vehicle within any park without the prior written approval of the city manager.


To date, we are not aware of any "approvals" granted by the City Manager.

The City of Arvada has considered similar restrictions, but has NOT yet taken any formal action.

This information is being provided so that you are informed of local laws, rules and regulations. Anytime you choose to fly in parks or open space, etc. you should be aware of any possible restrictions. Further, it is up to each of us to always fly safely and in accordance with the AMA Safety Code.
Does that include kites? They are considered to be UAV’s according to the FAA.

Getting a little sick of local and state governments dictating rules over airspace when the FAA is the governing agency. It would be like them overriding the FCC concerning the use of the airwaves.
I think we can all agree there are many areas with drones that cause concerns to the general public. Noise, privacy (many areas here), damage from falling / crashing drones, and similar. The fact is irresponsible pilots pushing boundaries causes city / county issues which lead to NFZ’s. No drone pilot likes the restrictions but they are here to stay.

Looking forward there will be fewer and fewer places to fly legally. Drone sales will decrease (except for toys) and part 107(?) licenses will be required.

I’d like to see others forward looking drone outlook. Where is this hobby in 5 -10 years? The selfie drone may become more popular as limited distance and height are enforced by firmware inside the drone.
I still maintain that the FAA needs to better clarify the difference between a drone and an RC aircraft. State and local officials need training in this area too. Last year I had several of my fixed wing aircraft and my 2 Multirotor aircraft sitting in my yard. Sheriffs deputy happened by and pointed right at the H and asked if that was a drone. I replied NO, it is an RC Multirotor that functions similar to my Fixed wing aircraft. Even though I also had my Ranger (Fixed wing with 2 cameras on it) that can be flown autonomous. We had a very nice conversation about them. Basically he agreed that it is the few stupid people that will ruin it for the rest of us.
Needless to say, at least one deputy is now properly educated.
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Ok, you are now the FCC chairman (yes, I promoted you), how will you define the difference between a drone and an RC aircraft?

What are the differences between drones and RC aircraft? What are the issues with drones and how does it differ from RC aircraft? Of course we all have opinions in these areas but the defination and commonalities should be close.

Why don’t we hear of RC plane / helicopter issues (much)? If drones were flown in LOS at AMA RC plane fields would there be issues? Clearly GPS allows for tracking of NFZ’s and video recording of most anything without permission of the owner is prohibited (notice I didn’t say I agree with it).

I hate the limitations for drones but sort of understand them. The potential of a drone flying in a state / national park (any NFZ) and starting a fire (lipo related) has been reduced as it’s against the law - but stupid pilots (as we agree) or uneducated pilots (new drone owners) will make it difficult for the rest of us.

What actions by drone owners forced the implementation of NFZ’s? We all saw on TV, drones flying sbove 400’ in the landing / takeoff path of commercial planes. Perhaps this was the start?
To me,
DRONE= something that can fly autonomous. (Fixed wing or rotor craft) We are talking NASA, Military, and some civilian aircraft.
Push a button and off it goes on it's own pre-programmed flight.

RC AIRCRAFT= something that is flown under constant RC input and visually monitored by the pilot while in flight.

Even some of the best RC pilots in our club crash. It is never a matter of IF, but WHEN one will happen to you.
In Canada they will be changing it to RPAS "Remotely Piloted Aerial System"
Bite your tongue! Crash? Not happening! And of course I’m kidding, but I normally sell my planes and get a new one before it crashes. However I’ve (we all) have had our share of crashes over the years. Did you know that real planes crash too? Well, of course you did. It’s not about crashing, it’s flying in restricted areas and causing more restrictions to be imposed. This is what Golden CO did. Other cities have followed and more are following. Can we prevent it? No.

Based on your definition we don’t have drones (at least the Breeze is not a drone in pilot mode). And it’s not an RC aircraft as the breeze will sit and hover under GPS guideance by itself. So how is it defined? I suppose it doesn’t matter, but if you take your Breeze into Golden, and many other cities / areas, you’ll be ask to stop and get a nice fine. Try to explain it’s not a drone? Not going to work. I think the FAA would consider the Breeze a drone.

I like that the Breeze is a ‘selfie’ drone. Geofenced in for close, visible flight. Some nice Tasks included. As it’s defined, it’s a cool product. Not for everyone but good for me.

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