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FLIR Duo Pro R for H920+ ???

Oct 19, 2018
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I picked up a FLIR Duo Pro 640 45* model on a lark some months back, anticipating that I'd eventually get a really nice 6-8 rotor UAV. I've been a NV / Thermal junkie for a number of years now, and always felt that drones were the ideal platform to extend my addiction to.

In this FLIR link, it looks almost identical to the CGO4 mount on my 920+. Has anyone here adapted the FLIR to the 920? If so, how? And how well does it run?
FLIR Duo Pro R HD Dual-Sensor Thermal Camera for Drones | FLIR Systems

I don't want to cannibalized a $7000 camera for a $2000 drone, unless the modifications are simple and reversible. When I get some more experience under my belt, I plan on getting a nice "professional" 6-8 rotor unit that has upwards of a 10Kg load capacity for various NV / Thermal / 8K video tasks I'd like to tinker with, but I haven't seen a package under my $10K budget (not including payload) that fits my wishes, so either I have to wait or double my budget -- and since I don't have the skills necessary to proficiently pilot such an animal, I guess I'm better off waiting.

Anywho... can I use the FLIR on the 920? I really want to fly this bad boy in the dead of night (to terrorize the packs of coyotes that stalk our farms by night).

I WILL have my revenge!
Didn’t notice this post earlier. If you can mount a camera and gimbal under the 920 it will fly it, just don’t expect the 920 system to be compatible with the camera. You would have to add a second receiver and video transmitter system to control the camera and gimbal from a second transmitter, and use an independent view screen.

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